Phil Bond

I loved that commercial, and I still do.

They say stock is limited, but they've been offering the Game & Watch forever. Hopefully they can keep this in stock until after the 3DS XL comes out. Then I'll be all set.

I am irrational furious at myself for blowing coins on the giant AR card and the Zelda posters.

We've come so far.

He's already in the arcade Mario Kart games. I'd bet money he shows up in Smash Bros.

That Master Sword is all wrong. Never mind the expected downscaling in the amount of detail. That would be totally fine. The blade in this image has wide flares at the base, which is exactly where it should be thinnest. From game to game, the Master Sword has gone through many subtle changes in proportion, detail, and

Lego Rock Band.

It would be sexist if it was commentary on dubious uniquely female weakness, but everybody gets cranky with sand on their private parts.

It was a funny joke. Dry your pants.

My attitude toward EA over Rock Band is what you might call "not mad."

I guarantee you she knows even less about Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I'd be surprised if she could even tell the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek reliably.

Today I learned that the current version of Millionaire strongly resembles the Facebook game.

I found out last month that my mom doesn't know the first thing about zombies. The biting, the contagion, the desire for brains, the continuing to be animated despite severe dismemberment... no idea. And she didn't want to hear it, either.

If you plug an un-powered controller into a rebooting console, it will sync to the old console... What an asinine scenario. You know very well that that's never going to happen. You careless, oppressive joystick snobs just love to brainstorm these harebrained unlikely contingencies and hold them up as though they're

Please, you arrogant prick, stop explaining things to me as though you know anything I don't. Go warmly snuggle your Qanba stick or your Hitbox or whatever artisan LED-lit steampunk thing it is that lets you sit so comfortably among the favored elite controller preference, and don't pay another thought to the people

I run small weekly tournaments every few weeks, and large ones at conventions a few times a year. I know a thing or two about logistics. You're a brickheaded douchebag, incapable of fairly weighing pros and cons. DS3s get voted down by assholes like you not because it's right or fair or practically necessary, but

No, smartass. As I said earlier, a few times, in a few ways, you don't have to disassemble a controller to check it. You just have to plug it into a Playstation and see what it does.

I'm not saying it's the ideal approach to building a custom joystick. I'm just saying I've seen people choose to do it, and if somebody made one that way, you would be powerless to stop them from exercising any malicious intentions they may have.

If someone wants to intentionally sabotage matches in that way, controller discrimination won't stop it. A large percentage of pro players use custom-built joysticks, and some of them use dualshock controllers for the circuitry. They can look the same as any other unpowered, wired joystick.

It takes two seconds to prove that a controller has no battery. If the lights go out when you unplug the USB, it's safe. If the lights blink or stay on when you unplug it, give THAT person a hard time. Any other policy is just gratuitous, mean-spirited douchebaggery. To suggest that a game primarily played on one kind