Reporter from Time should have stated, President Trump we are going to fact check everything you say and if anything isn’t true we will correct it in the article before it’s published.
“It tellz me that moronz like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them!” - (in Sean Connery’s voice)
This is a splendid idea. Mythbusters: internet memes edition. And they could release it via social media. Cause that’s a thing they do these days?
Flahrenheit 451?
I’ll see myself out.
You know it’s fake right?
if you feel like you need to put out the opening scene of your movie in order to get people to watch your movie, then I feel pretty confident it’s not very good.
A joke like this is how I knew I was going to marry my wife. We were visiting my brother at college, and he had some DVD out, and rather than shaming him about it, she super-casually says “Is this worth watching? I stopped after Nasty Nurses 3, and I don’t know if I can get back into the story.”
He fixes the cable?
Love is like a bomb, baby, c’mon get it on
Livin’ like a lover with a red iPhone
Umm.... No.
Uhm. It’s a different color. Just a catalogue update. Who said anything about innovation? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed again?
Agreed. I thought we saw the peak with that cast in the 90s, but this season has been pretty damn good. Kate crushes it in every skit she’s in without disappointment.
It was called a Theocracy.
It occurred to me this morning that Shaq could literally prove this himself, without a boat or an ocean; he drives across country ‘all the time.’ As someone who has also done the cross country drive a few times; Next time you take the trip, look for the Rockies. When you see the tops of the Rockies, see how far you…
Because he says it and his morons believe it.
Never heard of this guy before (European here), but yeah, he’s probably flown around the world... I remember flying for the first time and being awed by that moment you see the horizon having a curve. He’s probably never looked outside when flying on a plane...
What about the satellite imagery we have of the Earth?