calcyoul8er’re welcome

Sisters are doing it for themselves.

So this is shark Jesus, right?

Potentially more depending on the states you’re each in.

Dude, the Rent-A-Center isn’t going to take it back in that condition.

Normally, I’d say that’s a waste of a TV. But this guy will probably just mount it on his wall.

And he only had 5 more payments to go.

According to several of the sources that I’ve seen, The former MI6 agent was hired by “unidentified” Republicans first. I’m assuming that once the primary outcome became inevitable the investigator’s name was dropped to the Democrats to attempt to continue the process of impaling Herr Asshat upon his own petard.

its the extension of his fascination with ratings, and because he’s essentially a hollowed out rotted mandarin carcass, he has to fill himself with arbitrary measurements of validation - so followers, viewers and millions/billions of x become the currency of his worth.

Never before has one man used so many words of such low syllable count to convey so little information.

but 46 million — including Facebook, Twitter and ya know, Instagram

... did they miss the original Star Wars? A guy cut someone’s arm off with a laser sword in a bar fight. The sequel had the hero’s hand chopped off, also with a laser sword, after he escaped from a yeti by... wait for it... chopping off an arm with a laser sword.

You seem to be ignoring that this kind of stuff happens all over the world. We have a president who bragged about grabbing women unwillingly by their vagina. It’s not just China bud.

That turned to shit faster than a Skyline 3-Way.

If you can’t be trusted to secure your own fucking website, why should we trust you to secure an entire country?

A tax code shouldn’t be based entirely on the lowest common denominator, because a completely unnuanced flat-rate either takes too much hair off lower incomes or treats higher incomes as if they’re helplessly living on as fragile margins as the poor. Your first 9k is precious no matter who you are, and the 100k you