
So you’re going to warn consistently better than 6% in the bond market?

The difference here is we’re talking about in-retirement investing when you are relying on returns for regular income. Many retirees found out the hard way in 2008 that you can’t count on the stock market for a steady stream of income that high because when the bottom drops out as it tends to every decade or so you

Good god. I guess everyone on this site is under 8 years old, because they have no clue what happened before then, and fail to realize the basic idea that past results don’t guarantee future results.

“let me properly invest it”

First, totally ignoring the risk factor. People who thought like you get totally fuckedd in reciessions you have to dip heavily into principle to stay alive, which kills future earnings after the recovery

Until the REIT takes a shit.

Story is talking about safe annuity versus investing and taking more risk. Ideally when you retire you should probably have a mix of less volatile investments and stable insured annuities for basic life needs in the event of major market meltdowns like 2008.

He played football and other sports... right up to the Vietnam draft. Then he suddenly had physical health issues that would have kept him from playing most sports, let alone fit enough to be drafted.

I guess ideally if the trucks are working right they’ll see the horse hazard well enough in advance to stop, unless it jumps right in front of one.

“but people are going to notice when their insurance vanishes”

It’s quite fun watching the GOP tear itself apart.

I guess all of this only applies if you spend a significant amount of your time following and reading up on celebs in the first place.

I’m a bit confused about how this works. Does the remote actually communicate with the hub, which then communicates with the devices, or does it communicate directly with devices while the hub is only to use your smart phone as a remote.

I’m a bit confused about how this works. Does the remote actually communicate with the hub, which then communicates

Even then perfect cartoon-like hole made is impossible.

Likely most or all of your electronics are made there.

Internet cafe gets free publicity.

My first thought exactly. Even if the monitor is secured to the desktop there’s no way to make a cartoon-like hole in it that way.

I have this exact model and it’s fantastic. Programming is super easy and the connection via the app is pretty solid, even away from home.

I have this exact model and it’s fantastic. Programming is super easy and the connection via the app is pretty

Fair enough

WTF is this, middle school?? Are people really that intimidated by their snooty tesla-owning peers?