
I assumed the same, especially when the production cost is exactly the same since it’s the same battery as the upgrade and limited by software I assume.

Leash. Your. Dog.

The only thing you need for a good work is some cheap shorts, a t-short, an exercise mat, and your neighborhood sidewalk. Everything else is just a distractor and waste of money.

Too bad our president is besties with the most dangerous and aggressive dictator out there: Putin.

Maybe he did. Sounds like a libertarian to me.

Kinda hard to launch air power from a smoldering sinking pile of blown up steel.

It’s fucking insane! It’s seems like Trump Is following soviet Russia Cold War era thinking: sacrifice all else to spend more on military. What could possibly go wrong?

I get plenty of problem-solving “fun” all day at work, many times 6 days a week. With the precious little time I have for myself I prefer everything else in my life just works as it should.

To paraphrase Seinfeld, that’s what happens from a lifetime of avoiding manual labor.

Technically speaking, if this their first time selling to consumers, isn’t the initial price just a base price and not a sale price, no matter how the seller dresses it up? And any increase later is simply a price hike?

Technically speaking, if this their first time selling to consumers, isn’t the initial price just a base price and

Well, ignoring the fact that, you know, shit happens beyond your control, like losing a job, my immediate response is that maybe they wouldn’t have the kid in the first place if republicans didn’t do everything in their power to eliminate lawful abortions.

Counterpoint to that asshat’s comment: if rich assholes are complaining too much about the extra taxes to pay for healthcare, maybe they could driver their Bentley for an extra year before getting another new one so poor kids who have no choice in being born into a poor family don’t have to needlessly die of easily

That’s crap. If they can’t press him to say a flat answer, then they should at least press them to admit they have no answer.

Guy who decided to work for a business that is only doing well because it ignores regulations expects said company to care about him.

Good idea. Let some billionaire subsidize your ride while they run all the competition out of business. But you know most billionaires aren’t stupid and expect a return on that investment. And that return will likely come from people like you when they have to jack up prices and force you to pay more. And you’ll have

The only way description is not an honest depiction is if all that VC money spent on vital business needs like marketing is not really needed at all.

Most likely.

“Our poorly-shaped heart pizzas are a direct result of Obamacare forcing me to cut jobs and making the remaining workers work harder and faster”

I’ll take him off the bench with a fucking baseball bat as I warm up to take some swings at the asshole that raped the girl. It would physically impossible for that duckweed to have sex once I was done swinging, due to total genitalia destruction or death.

Nobody gives a shit Braggy McBaggerston

Nobody gives a shit Braggy McBaggerston