Calculon 4.0

Sonic Fox takes entire life bars by that character from across the screen, on veteran players like himself.
If you don’t see the flaw in that, you don’t need to be lecturing me on perception.

That’s why my idea is the better solution as far as keeping him as close to what he is now. My biggest worry is that the producers will be looking at the rank matches closely, see the overall used character, and then slice Deadshot in half as far as efficiency goes.
Nobody wants to see an EVO where all top twenty

Exactly, Deadshot gets all the benefits of a zoning-focused character and none of the deficits normally imposed on them. If he’s that great at keeping you far away and doing good damage, then once you close that distance he should be in some sort of trouble.

I’m just looking at the evidence, if Sonic Fox is doing over 40% of the damage output across the entire screen with Deadshot, then he’s obviously meant to stay as far away as possible.
So that’s fine, but where’s the reward for the opposing player? He’s not a slow character, he’s doesn’t have a lowered health, and the

I think a major difference between Deadshot and Dhalsim is that while Dhalsim enjoys a great reach advantage, his limbs can also be hit at long range. Can’t say the same for Deadshot’s bullets, so he’s much safer sitting back and spamming them, plus he doesn’t have the decreased speed or floaty jump which makes him

It’s never too early to call something that’s overpowered for what it is, if you see an infinite combo being done by any character in any game do you say “eh, it’s too early, there will be counters”.
This is an issue, if Sonic Fox stays with this character past a month and before a nerf, then we know exactly who he’s

I think how Deadshot’s style of play is a great idea, giving the game a completely different approach to the fighting among superheroes with similar abilities. But I’m not seeing the reward for closing the gap. It’s the reason why Dhalsim is usually given a lower health bar because if he was a tanky poking character,

Of course he’s OP. He’s voiced by Matt Mercer. Does he call out “It’s High Noon.” too?

I think you do other things like reducing knockback on being hit with the rifle, or more recovery on each move, without adding in an ammo system. He’s a competent fighter up close so it’s not like nerfing the zoning game will send him to bottom tier.

Little Mac was never OP, people complained because he was OU (overused). Everyone was picking him, he was like Ken in early SFIV. His weaknesses were always apparent, just throw him off the stage.

Netherrealm games always have this problem at launch. It happened with Deathstroke in Injustice 1 and Jacqui Briggs in MKX. Eventually those who are really good at the game figure out ways to get around it but it screws over the rest of the player base who aren’t that dedicated and have their matches ruined by

In related news, Tebow finally made contact with someone else’s genitals.

... although he was kind enough to sign the ball for Brustman

and... if rumors are true, Asuka.

Oh no, an IWC representative. Look, Shin is one of the five best in-ring performers on the planet. But that’s not WWE’s prime consideration. If it were, the company wouldn’t have put its world champion, and the best in-ring performer on the planet, in a four-month program with James Ellsworth.

Drunken master and MJ had a baby who went into wrasslin’

Nakamura v. Ibushi at Wrestle Kingdom 9 is still my all time favorite match. The contrast between Nakamura’s strong style vs. Ibushi’s combination of flippy stuff and technical wrestling, the fact both guys sell so well, and the simple storyline going in made it so great.