Calculon 4.0

I’m not sure if this is noteworthy, as I only watch figure skating every four years, but her jumps with her hands above her head (I assume to mimic something in Sailor Moon) was pretty cool.

this looks AMAZING, but there is still something very endearing about the old school look too! Love the switching option.

I love how Japan is so clean

Love the look! Thanks for bringing to my attention.

wasn’t even aware this existed. Thanks for the heads up!

I just like every Persona-related article... then I read. It was a good read.

True, but I’m one of those weird people that can’t start and stop a game (and can only focus on one game at a time). Once I put it down, it’s down for years/forever regardless of how good it was! (R.I.P. Horizon most recently)

This sounds lovely, but Persona 5...

I was gonna say the exact same thing lol. This makes me want to get back into Overwatch, but I have at least 80 more hours of Persona 5 left!

I was wondering if the simplest of the three options appealed the most to anyone else. Love my sprites!


or Boaty McBoatface (I know it doesn’t fit...)

NICE, enjoy!!

you know very few people will decide to go read a tutorial if it’s not mandatory ;)

lololol perfect :)

god, even the terms & conditions feature a stylish transition haha

My Hero Academia! PLUS ULTRA!!!

I’m a fan of Bernie and voted for him in the primary, but do you really think Hillary is a “war enthusiast” compared to Trump, Bannon, & co.? At least under Hillary we would have kept Obama-era protections that, for example, tightened rules of engagement and outlawed torture.

All Might vs. Nomu and that OST are worth the price of admission

I’ve actually only been watching the anime, but Season 1 had me hooked! If it gets even better than that’s amazing!!