Uh, seat belts save lives, the only thing a mask has ever saved is the world from your stinking breath. There is no credible data, ZERO, that says masks are saving people.
Uh, seat belts save lives, the only thing a mask has ever saved is the world from your stinking breath. There is no credible data, ZERO, that says masks are saving people.
My concern is that many of these “temporary” measures will take root and never go away - sort of like a temporary tax increase. I live in Illinois and in addition to masks you’ll see the following already becoming commonplace:
Oh, OK Karen...stay indoors in fear then.
I keep being surprised at all the bougie prudes on this site who apparently feel the need to give a goddamn what their neighbors do and how they keep their yard. But I shouldn’t be. Most of you bitching aren’t about that life with grease under your fingernails and gasoline in your veins. You’re desk jockeys who write…
I mean the founder of the company had no problem selling vehicles to Nazis
You come off like the fun police
Yeah, it’s called Saturday.
Don’t do this.
I certainly did, Tom, and can you show me where it say something along the lines of “buyers that engage in immoral activities are due whatever comes their way from the banks they’re trying to screw”? Because that’s what this is, Tom. It’s the consumer trying to screw over the bank. Edit: Which, by the way, also did…
I’m no fan of the president, but this situation generates zero outrage from me. Or even concern.
Michigan pulled all the blue license plates off the road around 2007, so I’m sure this unit has been kept in a museum-quality, hyperbaric bubble chamber with round-the-clock battery tender since that time. Or under that tree! Nice price.
The horror!
Nice how Phil asks a legitimate question, given the article’s fairly lacking information on why driving on dirt is bad (unless Matt didn’t know of any other reasons, aside from long-term impact to the aesthetics of the area,) then commenters proceed to bash Phil.
Yeah, I’m with you. There are rules to keep the impact to a minimum and those rules should be followed, but driving across dirt does not do irreparable damage that creates the cause for hangings.
People who recline are monsters. Full stop.
The replacement pretty much has to happen. It was set in motion at the paper-study level in 2007, and the present VC-25A is based on a 747 model that hasn’t been produced in almost 30 years and has all but disappeared from commercial service n favor of more-modern and efficient marks.
Because he’s the current President.
Maybe the guy who wrote the article with no conception of the stock market would like to explain?
Stock prices are influenced by a great number of forces, one of those forces is trying to predict the future. Tesla has an opportunity to grow in the future, whereas the other companies are at a mature growth cycle stage.
yeah! botched medical care never hurt anyone!
with a track record like that, surely the government can do a bang-up job of handling something as simple as nationalized healthcare.