
I didn't watch. I saw their thesis statement and knew they were wrong.

Not difficult.

That song made me unable to spell Christmas in my had for a few minutes. I knew it was wrong but couldn't figure out why. :P

My problem is that I don't know if I'll have money come Dec. 12. If I do, though, I'll pledge before it's over.

I like Stone a lot, but she really doesn't seem right for King.

The highest a kickstarter has ever done is $10 million. Hellboy would need way more than that, and I just don't see it happening, sadly.

I don't even do drugs, but I agree with this.

That's the long way of saying chicken, seasoning, and batter.

I didn't know about a lot of these, so I'll be looking into them today.Thank you.

*low monotone*

Disappointing not to see Ocean at the End of the Lane on the list, but still solid otherwise. :)

My favorite will always be The Big Lebowski. "This is what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps." or alternately, feed them scrambled eggs. :)

It's gotten frustrating in the last few years when I go to concerts and see people who paid good money to watch through their phone. I wouldn't begrudge anyone a couple of pictures, but when the band you paid to see is right in front of you, you should look at them with your eyes.

I don't care what anyone says, I liked season 4. Yes, it was lower quality than the previous three (though each season had some stinkers), But Even a lower quality community is better than most of what's on TV.

I'm glad she's not playing Rocket, but having Glenn Close in this movie is almost as big as Robert Redford signing on to Cap. :)

I enjoyed Life's Too Short. It could have been better, but I had fun watching it. of course, I adore Warwick, and him starring in a show made me happy.

I enjoyed Life's Too Short. It could have been better, but I had fun watching it. of course, I adore Warwick, and him starring in a show made me happy.