She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.
She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.
On verbal and non-verbal communication:
No one had brows!!! Pencil friggin thin eyebrows! jesus god no...I was 22 and tan and had virtually no eyebrows in 2007 and I don’t wanna go back. I can’t go back.
1) Issa was in charge and it’s the leader’s head that gets chopped off.
The word I’d use to describe this finale would be “interesting”.