
You see, Michael, there is this thing called money... it is not water, but it can be used to acquire water, dig wells... Thing is I don’t think that the water this guy spent fooling around is a big deal, but it is true we waste a shitload of resources and that that waste has an effect in how f*cked people are around

Prefiero el sistema de Estados Unidos para acabar con los pobres criminales quitándoles el seguro médico y poniendo las medicinas a un precio que no pueden permitirse. También son muy buenos acabando con población civil criminales a base de bombardeos “inteligentes”.

I would start terraforming the Earth right now.

Just don’t buy Italian olive oil.

When will we understand that we are in the world for this?

Probably from the same place the “a” of Avacado came from...

Is there room for Trump and Clinton in it?