
Yeah, it's really become a necessary evil for me, at this point.

#1 - Facebook gets me jobs. (I work in a very casual, freelance industry where people I'm friends with will literally post - Hey, any associate producers looking for work next month?) #2 - The vast majority of my family and friends who live far away use Facebook and it's how I keep in touch in an easy way. #3 -

Ha, I don't know about that. My love for my pets and their well being brings out my best side, that's all. :)

Yep! When I have kids the number one thing I'm going to tell them is please try not to get married before 30. There are always exceptions to every rule, but that would have saved me so much pain, financial difficulty, etc.

I have no idea, but I wonder if drug use can turn into mental illness? We have a friend in my college group who sadly went down the drug path years ago (I think crystal meth?) and though he is clean and sober now, he's just... really, really off. He's just got this permanent weird energy I can't describe.

That sucks. :( Yeah, it sounds like he's definitely doing the right thing, but it's just so freaking hard. I don't know if I properly conveyed in my original post how much losing that cat broke my heart. (In addition to the whole divorce, obviously.) I mean, I have two cats now (and a dog) that I love to death,

Well, I mean, if you're the praying type it wouldn't be a bad thing to pray for this dude who sounds like he has a mental illness. I mean, it could be drugs, but it also sounds a lot like what my grandfather (a paranoid schizophrenic) sounded like when he was off his meds. I mean, I'm no fan of his music, but I

Ha, yes, it's not always so cut and dry. My husband and I (I'm now mid 30's and remarried) have three pets- two cats and a dog. The cats each have a favorite human, but our dog loves us both equally, so we just decided we can never to split up. :)

My rule of thumb is the person who the pet is most attached to gets to keep the pet. Btw it SUCKS and I have been there, and no, I did not get to keep said pet. I went through a divorce in my mid 20's (PS, guys don't get married young!) and decided it made sense for my ex to keep our beautiful, friendly, snuggly cat

Interesting! Sorry to hear about the right wing nut jobs. We have a problem with that here too, obviously, but luckily it doesn't have much of an impact on the TV/film industry (since it's almost all private over here.) Anyway, I'm in Los Angeles. I went to film school out here and stayed in the city after

What is the Australian TV industry like??? I've always considered moving to Australia or New Zealand at some point in the future, but worried about finding employment in my industry.

I'm probably too lowly in terms of my position to be of much help, getting industry people to profile, but I'll check out your campaign!

Wow, that was fucking amazing. I actually have tears in my eyes. Also, as someone working in film and tv, she makes me feel so much more optimistic for my industry. It's so awesome to have someone like her to look up to. Congrats, Shonda!

Well, she's an exec, so "shockingly tone deaf" is practically in her job description! - A Person Who Has to Deal With Execs Almost Daily :/

Sorry, that may be the case, but it is really irresponsible and horrifying to just speculate something like that, like 24 hours later without knowing anything definitive enough to make that leap.


Right??? I was like, uh, happy meal or recipe for dying in your sleep?

My friends have been calling this movie Escape from White Egypt since the first trailer came out, and now I can't not think of it as that. Also, Christian Bale as Moses, regardless of his whiteness, is just really weird casting, to me.

I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. I feel like investigative journalism has been Rolling Stone's bread and butter for at least ten years now. (Probably paralleling the decline of the music industry.) But, to each his/her own! :)

Rolling Stone is actually a pretty important news source. Matt Taibbi wrote some excellent stuff there about the recession and some truly evil housing foreclosure policies by the banks. Not to mention that article Michael Hastings (RIP) wrote about General McChrystal that single handedly ruined his career. (Which