
OH MY GOD, ARE YOU ME??? My husband and I love the name Olive and only nixed it because we had a friend who gave that name to her (adorable) baby girl. AND, we are dead set on (haters be damned) naming our first son Fox because a.) it's actually a surname in both of our family tress (don't worry, not related -

... did you read the article? And the stats contained within?

Wow, this is awesome! Maybe this is like, an "only Nixon could go to China" sort of thing where, because he's a former sports guy and looks like he should be on the cover of Embodiment of Traditional Masculinity Magazine, maybe he's the guy that non feminist men will actually (finally) listen to about feminism. One

I'm reading it right now! (Then I'll return to your article, which I was really enjoying until my mind was shattered into a million pieces, haha.)

I have no idea if Adnan did this or not, but there's NO way he should have been convicted on the evidence presented. Reasonable doubt out the yang!

...but, esteemed commenter named "EuroDong," wasn't this game created by Stephen Merchant, noted non-American?

You know, I thought that exact same thing. When I was 14 years old.

I kind of agree with you in that there's nothing immoral in staying, as far as your debt to society, it's the keeping silent part that is immoral. (Though, it's certainly morally complex to think about choosing to stay with a rapist, I can't say it's out and out wrong as long as you don't also keep silent about

All good points!

That's definitely true.

If she only thought her husband was cheating that's no big deal (to society.) If she knew or suspected though that he was drugging and raping women, that's obviously a big deal and hell yes, I do believe police would have taken her seriously if she reported suspicions and/or evidence. Whether or not it would have

I think there's some danger in conflating victims of abuse or rape and wives who stay with those who abuse/rape. Saying "I'd never have gone home with that date rapist" and asking why someone didn't leave a marriage to an abuser or rapist are totally different things that shouldn't be lumped together.

"Fill out those student loan papers now and maximize the weird Harry Potter obsession you should have outgrown in the third grade while you still can."

I fell in love with him as Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones and I just recently realized I can follow him (Jason Momoa, the actual guy) on Instagram. It has improved my life by approximately 300 million percent. ;)

I have never identified so strongly with another living creature.

I will never understand how Jason Momoa is not the biggest star in the world. He is SO effing GORGEOUS.

Oh my god, seriously?? I had no idea. I mean, I knew he was an idiot, but I didn't know to what degree. (Apparently a batshit insane degree.)

Do you guys have Lyft in Brooklyn?

There should be a job or a service (maybe it already exists?) that takes care of this kind of bullshit after a loved one dies. There are SO many horrible, tedious, irritating things that have to get taken care of when a person passes away, especially if it's sudden, that shouldn't have to fall on the people in the