Hmm, it says my civic model is affected, but it's not applicable in my region. Is there any reason I should go to my dealer anyway and change out the airbag?? Thanks!
Hmm, it says my civic model is affected, but it's not applicable in my region. Is there any reason I should go to my dealer anyway and change out the airbag?? Thanks!
Thanks! :) Yeah, that pic was my favorite of the bunch. At least in all the cases I featured in photos the owners kept them! There have been many situations where the "micro" pig got too big for the apartment the owner lived in, or wasn't allowed to live in a domestic residence due to some zoning laws. Anyway,…
THANK YOU. I eagerly follow every bit of new microbiome/bacterial science because I have an autoimmune disease and there is a lot of promise in that area of research for making our lives more livable. But sure, this is fine too, I guess. *rage stroke*
Ha, I just recently wrote a blog post about this very thing! People are still getting suckered. There are some sad/hilarious (sadlarious??) photos of disappointed people with their grown up "micro" pigs.
Well, hey, let's think of it this way - on the upside rarely do we have such an instantaneous, very easily identifiable way to tell if someone is an unredeemable asshole! I mean, sometimes it takes minutes, hours or even years to find out who you should cross the street to avoid, now mere microseconds!
OMG. I would love him so much and call him Ears! Alas, I already am at Maximum Pet Capacity, but I can dream! Hope someone else snaps him up. Thanks for sharing. :)
So, so well said! I think about the lifers I left behind at the pizza place where I worked a lot. (And the lifers where I waitressed.) A lot of different reasons things worked out that way for them, but they're definitely not stupid or lazy and absolutely deserve a true living wage.
You know, that's a very interesting point. I think that IS part of the anti vax issue and part of the problems we're having in our society as a whole.
Thank you! I mentioned to my doctor that my husband and I were thinking of trying soon and he gave me my shot already. My husband still needs to get his, but he said we can wait for that until I'm actually pregnant. Thanks for posting though, very important info! My doc also said all adults actually should get…
Migraines are no joke! My friend once lost the power of speech due to a migraine. She literally couldn't talk for four hours. Her husband rushed her to the hospital thinking she'd had a stroke but it was just a really intense migraine.
Oh my god, this is awesome! Thank you!!
Ha, thanks!
I think it's time we get rid of the myth that minimum wage jobs all require minimal skill. Every fast food drive thru worker in my city is bilingual. Are YOU bilingual, author of this Op Ed? Also, I would l-o-v-e to see some white collar exec work the a slammed Friday night at any Denny's, where my best friend…
Thanks for the rec! I've heard good things about that area. We were hoping to stay a little closer to downtown (I've been eyeing S. Pasadena) since my husband works there, but we'll see. I'm hoping in the next 5 years this insanity will turn around and it'll be a moot point anyway. (Fingers crossed!)
Oh, for sure. I don't have 25k a year to throw away on an elementary school education, but if I did, it would come with a bonus of exposure to a ton of unvaccinated kids! ;)
I just find this so confounding. Has she explained her logic? Does she think vaccines cause autism or is it something else? (I am just trying to wrap my mind around why a person would choose this route!)
This freaks me the fuck out. I live in LA and my husband and I are planning on having a baby next year. My whole life it was drilled into me to go to (and then send my kids to) the best public schools available, but now I'm kind of scared to, since they're typically in the wealthier neighborhoods. (Not that we…
Yep! I haven't been truly single for more than a year since I was 24, but I didn't get married until 33. Also, a lot of couples I know are living together for a looooong time before getting married. Two of my friends just got married on their ten year anniversary! They were not at all "single" for the preceding…
That's a really good point. Guns were definitely considered tools first and that's how the kids in my extended family were taught to see them. Not to mention the carnage of hunting makes it absolutely clear that guns can kill. I still shudder thinking about the first animal carcass I saw. :/