
Gibbs was fired only after a male student saw him photographing a nude female student.

But for real, Bobby... that was perfect. The fact that there is nary a proper noun in this article is just.... excellent. I salute you!

It’s her! She’s pregnant!

Am I old? Who are these people?

The last Democrat to give the response was Governor Sebelius, who gave an excellent rebuttal to President Bush’s usual nonsense and then went on to be HUD Secretary and lead the successful ACA rollout.

Once again, the GOP trots out one of its token minorities. 2 years ago, it was Rubio. Last year, they had a real-live white woman, and this year, we’ve progressed all the way up to a woman of color! See? The GOP doesn’t hate ALL brown people!

Nah. When that boat goes 12 and 6 you’re really going to want the vertical perspective. It’s really the only time that’s acceptable.

The person at far left deserves to drown for recording in portrait mode.

That is the information I was looking for. This is absolutely amazing, but I wish it were being offered on a sliding scale.

And how expensive will they be, compared with the $0 copay that people are supposed to have under the ACA? I mean, this is great for people without health insurance. Health check-ups are still very important, as was stated, and I want to know how they determine which birth control pill to give to a patient, or if it’s

I think there is a fancy name for this, but I can’t remember it. The theory has to do with labeling/categorizing and the human tendency to not allow for contradictions in people’s characters. If we believe someone is “a good person” (or whatever label we give that: an upstanding citizen, a loving father, whatever),

I truly don’t understand the ‘family first’ mentality she seems to be displaying.

I was sexually assaulted by a former supervisor. He claimed I had been hitting on him all night so he just thought it would be ok to have sex with my unconscious body. His girlfriend found out and decided she would email me while cc’ing all of our coworkers about how I was some kind of whore for sleeping with her man.

I... was under the impression that you couldn’t be forced to testify against your spouse. Is this wrong?

This is why I love this site, video grainy as fuck? No matter, the Jalops will figure it out.

What’s changed, I think, is that we as a society have undergone a (long overdue) sea change in how we view crimes against women. We’ve still got a long way to go, but I think (hope) we’ve passed the tipping point, and we no longer dismiss such claims so easily, nor do we so readily give the benefit of the doubt to men

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.

I always find it entertaining how these people always characterize feminists as simultaneously being unfuckable monsters and dick-hungry sluts.

The point, informative. Like how it informed me that they had a law that forbade black people from living in their state. I had no idea, I know I can not be the only one.