
Guess what? Numbers doesn’t always mean it’s better. The newest season of BBC’s Top Gear had the numbers. Based on that they said it’s undoubtedly better than previous seasons BUT they were WRONG. Numbers don’t mean it’s better or that it’s more popular. I like the old Top Gear with James May and Richard Hammond. Am I

You’re comparing something like getting insider knowledge for sake of earning large sums of money using unethically and ILLEGAL tactics to tricks players use in a game (tricks found easily on the internet).... Really man.. just stop. I just youtube advanced techniques for ssbm. It’s really that easy. Learning to do

How is that adding fuel? Someone that doesn’t share your opinion and believes both games have the right to coexist. What is wrong with you?

He just said both game can coexist. The toxicity of this person..

Comparing advanced techniques to insider trading? I mean seriously. To compare something like getting insider knowledge for money with tricks players use in a game (tricks found easily on the internet).... Really man.. just stop.

So your argument is that IF Nintendo added those advanced techniques in their tutorials then it’d okay? Are you trying to say that Nintendo is the almighty and dictates what should or shouldn’t be fair? You do know that Nintendo has supported these very same tournaments, right? Advanced techniques are in almost every

Oh in your opinion? Well okay nothing wrong with that - I’m all for free speech. In my opinion, you’re just a whiny little pissant that rather call people cheaters than actually get better at a game. You don’t get you to win so you just want to crap on everyone else’s fun. I’m not great at the game but I can agree