
Awesome article. I knew he was proactive on helping immigrants, but I didn’t know he was this big a player. This guy IS the American Dream in action! No wonder the reichwingers feel so scared and threatened.

Keep in mind that this baseless smear didn’t originate with Alex Jones; rather, it was a “reporter” from Breitbart who linked Chobani’s practice of hiring refugees with the report of the rape.

It’s a really weird connection to make. A person with a certain characteristic commits a crime. He is completely unrelated to this company, they didn’t hire him, he doesn’t have anything to do with them, but they hire people with one of the characteristics he has, so they’re somehow at fault? The guy was also male.

Hawaii is to a large degree populated by people of Pacific Islander (inc. Hawaiian) and Asian heritage. It’s a Known Issue that lot of people look at that sort of info and think it means that Hawaii is not really American.

Oh, like how Clinton was willing to be practical and accept money from whoever was willing to donate to her, because without money winning is nearly impossible,  and Sanders and his supporters called her a corporate shill because some of those donors happen to be employed by companies like Goldman Sachs? Yeah, FUCK

Ok by that logic Bernie was a terrible candidate, because he lost to Hillary. Wtf are you even saying? And don’t even come at me with some “the election was sabotaged” bullshit when the presidential election was interfered with. Let it go Bernie bro.

Off topic, I’ll never forget waddling into the polling station and voting for Jack when I was 9 months pregnant...I went into labour that night.

Fuck off with that anti choice, Bernie-excusing bullshit.

How can you not be pro-choice if you personally could never afford to have kids? If you support other women’s choices? That is the definition of pro-choice. You sound confused or as though you want to somehow tread a nonexistent middle ground? Should access to abortion continue to be legal? The answer to that

Yes. Because not being pro-choice means women can’t decide what happens to their own bodies. You can personally decide to never have an abortion (I wouldn’t have one) but you can’t decide for half the population. At its core it’s anti-feminist. You could have googled that easily. There is a wealth of knowledge. But

“Sanders spoke with NPR, telling them that the real issue is unity within the Democratic party”

Fuck off with that nonsense. Your name is apt.

The shitty thing is that this isn’t the first time Sanders has thrown abortion rights under the bus. Of course, when this was brought up during the primary, I was constantly told (usually by white dudes) that I didn’t understand the issues or something just as shitty.

Hm... excuse me, excuse me, Senator, I hate to tell you this... but your male privilege is showing... yeah right there, just a smidge. Better get that fixed because you don’t want to go out in public that way, how embarrassing would that be?

I’ve never been a huge Bernie supporter but now he’s gone from mildly annoying to incredibly annoying.

2016 Sanders: “Give me ideological purity or give me death!”

Now you decide to drop the ideological purity test, seriously?

I totally agree with what he’s saying about supporting the best candidate which means you aren’t necessarily going to agree with them on everything but this seems deeply hypocritical given HIS OWN track record! The New Republic had a really good summary of what the guiding philosophy for rebuilding the Democratic

I’d like to thank Sen. Sanders for his commitment to unity within the Democratic Party. I know it’s been his life’s work. Is he even a Democrat?