
Yeah, tried to have a conversation with a male coworker today on the subject and his first response “But men are sexually assaulted too. Shouldn’t we be talking about that?” (basically the equivalent of “All Lives Matter” to black people). Then another gem to my other male friend “I’m a man and I’ve never sexually

Just realized I put the wrong tense and too late to edit - should be worked, not work. Luckily out of retail now.

I had this internal debate too, as I’m Canadian born Chinese and my partner has a WASP name, that it would probably make things easier job application wise if I took his (I live in a heavily immigrant population, so most people automatically assume that when they see an ethnic name on a resume it’s someone who’s

I work for a manager in retail who flat out told me she throws away any resume with an ethnic sounding name because she assumes they don’t speak English. She hired me (Canadian born Chinese) because she knew me from another store.

I’ll humour you to respond, but I really don’t know what you’re talking about. If I run through all the Asian guys I know and am friends with (about 30-40 I’d estimate), every single one of them (except one that I can think of) is married or in a serious relationship, most of them to awesome, attractive, intelligent

Reminds me of that video of the kids interrupting that guy in the videoconference where everyone assumed the child’s mother was the nanny because she was Korean.

Very cool! My sister is Chinese and her husband is Caucasian, and they had my niece with a Chinese middle name with her dad’s last name.

Yeah that definitely didn’t work for Donald Trump Jr. Trump took off as soon as Marla entered the picture.

Ugh, this reminds me of an argument I had recently with a Trump supporter who was actually trying to argue that Trump was MORE pro GLBTQ than Hillary because Hillary was against same sex marriage until recently while Trump “waved a GLBTQ flag at convention”.

If Rosenstein refuses to fire Mueller, then Trump would just fire Rosenstein and move down the line until he found someone willing to fire Mueller, like Nixon did in the Saturday Night Massacre. Fortunately for Trump the next in line after Rosenstein is a big Trump supporter so she’d probably do his bidding.

This could actually be good for Trump. If Trump resigns, Trump can appoint a puppet who will immediately fire Mueller and doesn’t have to depend on Rosenstein doing it.

I actually believe Bill and Hillary honestly love each other or at the very least have a deep platonic intellectual bond. Bill is for sure a douche canoe who can’t keep it in his pants, but Hillary really honestly seems to still be in love with him after all these years.

Ooh yeah, I heard Anna Marie Cox on “Pod Save America” talking about the whole analogy, comparing Marco Rubio’s comments to “Why didn’t you just show a little leg?” and Paul Ryan’s comments to “Well, boys will be boys”. Now I’m going to have to download that episode too!

Oops just noticed a typo and too late to edit - unclassy not unclasp. Stupid autocorrect.

That was my rule when I was single too. Especially if they spent the first date going over in all the ways their ex was crazy, and the ex before that - first, even if that’s true, it’s just bad manners and unclasp to do that on a first time. Second, at some point, the common theme in all your failed relationships is

The way Comey was questioned during his testimony (by both D and R) also reminded me of a cross examination of a sexual assault victim. “You’re big and strong, why didn’t you fight back”/”Why didn’t you report it at the time?”/”You continued to take his calls?”/”Why didn’t you just resign?”

If my boss called me into his office, cleared the room, shut the door and looked me in the eye and said “I hope you can get this done by the end of the day” IT’S FUCKING GETTING DONE BY THE END OF THE DAY. Never mind the most powerful person in the world, the President of the United States.

I was just saying that in my above response! Especially Dianne Feinstein’s comment about how Comey is “big and strong” and should have “fought back at the time”. And Rubio’s “Why didn’t you report it at the time” blah blah.

The criticism of Comey totally reminds of cross examination of a rape victim.