
The original comment sounds like a pat on the back for dating someone of immigrant decent and maybe sucked his dick once?

“ONE TIME, THERE WAS THIS GUY, AND HE WASN’T A TOTAL STEREOTYPE” is not a particularly valuable or interesting anecdote. There is a certain kind of person who goes around demanding congratulations for not being a total bigot, and your comment sounded a whole lot like that.

It’s just a humble brag. I once petted a Pitt Bull ya know!

At what point in the piece did Kal ask for commentary on who we all dated? You know what, let my ass stop before I get myself in trouble at Jez again

I read the whole piece. Still not sure why your comment was necessary.

There are many reasons why people my have names that are seemingly different ethnically from how they look. I have two friends who look East Asian and have very German names (to the point one of them just told me how she went to Germany and people tried to speak German to her based on her name). In both cases their

Oh, no—well, I think we’re talking at cross purposes a bit. It definitely sounds like support for Desi actors to not be pigeonholed into stereotypical/racist roles. And I’m on board with that. But yeah, it seems like stupidly obvious to me that all people from the subcontinent don’t sound like Apu (or any people for

Upthread....commenter says that they dated an immigrant with a British accent, didn’t sound like Apu. I’m wondering why this was shared? All my red flags are up, my brows are furrowed, I have my confused face on. This is why I can’t be on Jez whenever there’s a post about race. Because I stay confused here. Let me go

I think we all know that. It seems like the original comment is just there to make the commenter feel good about themselves?

I’m waiting for this to be explained because I had the same reaction.

Um, good for you?

Yep. Of all the white people I have met in my 28 years of life, the percentage of them who ask me to “talk Jamaican/speak Jamaican/say something in Jamaican etc.” after learning I’m from Jamaica hovers somewhere around 65 percent. I wish I were joking.

Taking the time to call out Aziz Ansari’s show Master of None (season 2 premieres in May!). He plays a struggling actor and one episode was entirely devoted to how many Indian roles are white-washed or must involve a heavy accent.

Unfortunately, politics has become too much like sports fandom thanks to the rise of Cable News Talk Shows and the Internet. Fox cultivates extreme loyalty from its Republican base and they’ve been preaching that the Democrats, the “guvmint,” the “dirty libruls,” the gays, the brown immigrants, and the scary black

This is not a new theory.

I read an article about that town! It seems like many of them are in an abusive relationship with coal mining. One woman explained how her father died from black lung and her husband died in an accident. She never married again and her kids moved away for school and better jobs so she was alone, but she really wanted

For tl;dr Jezbians who can’t stomach an entire Wapo article the phenomenon of poors voting against their economic interests has been condensed into Davis X. Machina’s theory of sparrows and curtain rods:

This shit has been going on for years:

I have no doubt in mind that even if his very constituents lost their healthcare prior to the next Presidential election, they’ll believe whatever lie he comes up with to explain it. These people are lost. I’m not holding my breath for them to grow a sense of self-awareness. We will need to resist without them!