Caketin Welsh

That's Comeau. He knows everyone.

That was Grenn nobly leading his brothers in holding the gate, bless him. That scene was… what's the word? It was STIRRING, dammit. Grenn and Pyp both got noble, tragic deaths. I had to look their names up, but they both went out well.

When you acknowledge that the lack of female characters is an issue, you're more likely to, say, notice when a new character could maybe be a woman instead. Keeping the lack of ladies in mind in case an opportunity to address the issue arises is a different thing to just shoehorning female characters in as a sop to

He wasn't in a position to say no or give proper consent, and Rachel knew it. He is in some ways almost as powerless as a girl who's blackout drunk. (Heavy emphasis on the almost, because a physically fit conscious man under serious duress and an unconscious woman are still pretty different.) But it was pretty clear

I think Art and Felix had a scene together last week, but they were talking about the clones, so buh-bow. The odds are pretty good (and getting better every few episodes at this rate) that any conversation between two male characters on that show would be discussing a woman.

That Louis CK bit about the woman who would have been turned on if he'd kept going even though she resisted is one of the best rape jokes I know of. The whole point of it is that without her consent he (and any other decent guy) would never have "just gone for it" (AKA had sex with her though she was saying no)

I loved this show as a kid - I think largely because I found it viscerally disturbing and satisfying in ways I didn't know how to articulate and that nobody else was really doing at the time, which Erik articulates beautifully here. But I will say this: my sisters and I had *no idea* Rocko was supposed to be an

Never not laughing at what Americans think the Australian accent sounds like, and also at how fascinated y'all get when you hear a real one.

Yup, soon as I saw the double helix (also, how Fringe-y are those credits??!) I figured the clone thing - also I had this weird obsession with Ken Follett novels as a teenager and this is not unlike the premise of The Third Twin - cloned embryos planted in IVF parents all over the world, creating a number of identical