
I would imagine that seeing him physically attack her turned their kids against him, but ymmv, clearly.

This is a shockingly bad take, not only should you be embarrassed, you should be ashamed.

Lol, no you aren’t. You don’t give two shits about corruption. You just don’t like the side you hate gets away with doing the same things. You don’t need to defend the actions of the elites, ya fuckin’ dweeb. They don’t know you exist.

With this, the overturning of Roe v. Wade, etc, if you didn’t believe it before, believe it now: It’s open season on women. Take any and all appropriate measures.

It’s not just you. I worked for a midwifery organization and they explicitly put out a memo saying that their efforts to make language more inclusive would not involve removing the term ‘woman’ from the language, because the midwifery profession is very much aware of its history and that it provided a counterpoint to

All of the people who kept questioning my side eye at Johnny Depp during this trial and my suspicion that he was working with internet platforms to discredit Heard this will be the first of many examples that he was doing just that.

Johnny Depp is the grossest POS around. Add this verdict and the whole circus trial to the list of things that make me feel like David at the Dentist every minute of the God damn day. So sorry for what this verdict means to victims of domestic assault. /rant

No. Words mean things. And “They’re both abusers” is literally not a thing. That’s not how abuse works. Abuse is a dynamic in which a power imbalance is inherent. That’s why an adult hitting a child is abusive and a child hitting an adult is not.  

I know that it used to be Winona Forever, from when he was with her, (Winona was 17 and he was 25 when they started dating, fun fact). He first “joked” about changing the tattoo to Wino Forever in 1993, way before he ever even met Amber.

Who’s to say that he would be taking on an incendiary tone?

So I’ve really been giving this some thought in terms of how this has become such a massive issue. And I really don’t think that the criticisms aimed at Kim have come from a place of slut shaming but rather from a place rallying against the commodification of women’s bodies. And I would argue that it’s been something