
I judge you.

I love the Ewoks. Judge me. I don’t care.

crush Scout Walker’s skull with swinging logs.

I do find it rather odd that the Battle Of Endor movie ruined the Ewoks but The Holiday Special did nothing to ruin the badass-ness of the Wookies.

Fucking right, DM. Empire is obviously the best of the trilogy (I do not consider the prequels to be things), but Return of the Jedi is better than Star Wars. Luke is at full badass power, and Jabba the Hut exists and eats spacefrogs!

Thank you, Drew. If the Ewoks had been anything but looking like teddy bears, this movie’s greatness would never have been in doubt. Also the Jabba sequence is phenomenal for all the reasons you listed and more. The only thing that is too bad is that it has to end.

Jedi is sick. Luke shows up dressed like fucking Johnny Cash, kills a Rancor with a rock so that fat guy with the big ass titties can get all weepy about it, tells Jabba he’s going to fucking murder everyone, does some gymnastics, fucking murders pretty much everyone, and then fucks right off with the rest of the

True dat. It was really good. And, Lando and that perm was truly a remarkable moment in black cinema. There were LOTS of complaints about the only black character being a traitor (in the black community) and so for him to help out made a huge difference, enough so that the black community, who loved Billy D. to

Thank you for sticking up for the Vader character progression. What the fuck was Burneko going on about? Some flavor of bullshit, that’s what.

I love Drew’s writing style. It has the styling of an elite message board poster with surprisingly coherent points throughout the rant.