Phyllis Nefler

"Constitution groping freedom huffers"

I attended a friend's wedding in rural PA and stayed at a house in the middle of nowhere (like the directions were "Don't worry when the road ends! Just keep driving!"). We were sharing the house with some friends of the bride who would go out jogging and each time I was convinced they were jogging to their doom. When

Co-signed. 34 year old here and I've always read that we're on the very tail end of Gen X. Truth be told, I have never really felt a part of either generation. Besides, my mom never had cable or good cereal. I had to do pull myself up by my own cereal/cable bootstraps, damnit!

Excellent purchase! Did you get the big carrying case that looks like the old Barbie cases? I want that so bad, but I have them all on DVD already so I really can't justify buying them again.

You're welcome!

Butt cut. I LOLed.

Well I'm now going to have to pretend that I never read that. I don't know why I assumed it was all sunshine and rainbows. I certainly haven't loved everyone of my coworkers.

It's a thing with those Six Feet Under boys. Michael C. Hall married (then divorced) the woman who plays his sister on Dexter.

I realize I have now replied to you twice in a very short period of time, but what do you mean Luke and Lorelai didn't get along? My world is shattered! Shattered I tell you!

Yes! I like Logan best out of all her suitors. Dave Rygalski, however, was the best Gilmore Girls boyfriend of all time.

I am half done with this book. I keep meaning to go back to it, but I keep finding other books that I want to read more. Is it worth finishing? I love LG and will give the show a chance but I'm just not super invested in the book.

I love this. My husband will say that to me when I have more than one glass of wine.

Luke. Not Christopher. Never Christopher.

I will admit I have said some pretty shitty things about Twilight/Twilight fans and I do regret them for some of the reasons you stated. I don't want to make teenagers (or grown women) feel poorly about what they like to read; goodness knows my shelves aren't full of Pulitzer winners. I am glad that you found

Good point. I love Sally Draper. Maybe FitA will show her range as an actor and we can get a Sally Draper spin off (I know it will never happen, but I can dream).

Ed? I didn't watch, but I remember a bowling alley.

They did it before with the movie. Plus they changed the ending in the first movie. I'm just hopeful that Lifetime can pull it off.

Sally Draper as Cathy? YESSSSS. My hope for this movie increases. I really hope they don't cut out all the weird, creepy sexual stuff.

I agree. I like that everyone has decided to call her Suzanne. For me, the difference is that she doesn't understand the nickname, let alone embrace it the way other characters embrace theirs. She's also so compelling and so well done that you want to know all about her.

I didn't really know anything about her before. I just kept watching thinking "Damn. She is good. She has this character down." She had the voice, mannerisms and characteristics to the point you could believe this is who she was. Really impressive!