Phyllis Nefler

Cherry Coke Zero is good. The husband gets it sometimes. I haven't seen it at our Target, but I'm going to look now. :)

We do Pepsi Throwback sometimes, which doesn't have the HFCS. The Turkish Coke sounds so good!

We got my mom a Soda Stream for Christmas and she loves it. I'm sure my kid will have soda soon enough, but not quite 2 is still a little on the young side. You're right about the moderation. Once she's a little more reasonable (i.e. NOT throwing herself on the floor simply because I won't let her touch the stove)

Never got into Vanilla Coke, but I did go through a serious Dr. Pepper phase. All this talk of Cherry Coke really makes me want one, but I'm going to be good and have sparkling water.

Well he has a bag for work and keeps his wallet and other items in there then. It's just when we're out running errands and stuff. I'm slowly working on getting him some new clothes, but I don't want to make him feel bad.

Yes! Fountain Cherry Coke is the best of all the sodas. If I were crazy rich, I'd have a fountain soda machine in my house with Cherry Coke. That probably wouldn't be the healthiest choice, but I'd be crazy rich so I could hire a trainer and personal chef to make up for it.

Cost is an issue. We tend to buy 12 packs and keep them around, but it takes weeks to go through them. My husband and I have started splitting a can as well.

I love soda (Cherry Coke being my drug of choice) but have decreased my consumption over the years. I do drink more soda in the summer but it's down to maybe 1-2 a week. I know it's not good for you, but neither is Toddlers and Tiaras and that doesn't stop me from tuning in every now and then.

Yes to this! My husband solves this problem by wearing cargo shorts that bag out because he's stuffed his wallet, keys and i-Phone into the pockets. I am not a fan, but don't have the heart to break it to him.

Yes. To put screws or nuts and bolts in or to drink the Mangria out of.

I sure hope Manterest becomes a thing, because I am just sick of their tools and sports balls clogging up my feed! I need more pins about yogurt and shoes and mason jars.

Adam Corolla's "Mangria" is a thing that exists. Freddy Nefler brought some home a while back. He liked it, but I did not care for it. I'm sure I can find a better sangria recipe on Pinterest.

Aaaahhhhhhh! I am going to watch the shit out of this. Please, please, please don't cut out the creepy. It's not worth it without the creepy.

I thought it was very sweet. I think they're exactly like every other new parents trying to figure it out.

Natural in that I didn't have a c-section yes and I did stay two nights. I'm sure Kate has it easier than a commoner but I still don't envy her having to do her royal obligations.

I know Kate willingly signed up for this life, but she still gets mad props for coming out like that the day after giving birth. I didn't even leave the room. All I wanted was food, pain meds and the lovely, lovely ice packs.

It was a classic new parent "Oh shit, how do we do this? Can I let go yet? Do you have the head?" move. I remember it well, although I can't imagine doing it in front of the world.

Hi, Celiac here chiming in. Going gluten free is a big change but it gets better over time. Most big grocery stores have gluten free sections, but there's a lot of trial and error involved because some stuff is good, some is okay and some is just crap. Udi's makes a lot of stuff that's decent and can be frozen. I like

Yes. This is a good one too. It's not explosive rage, it's the long simmering kind.

I have tried to come up with a comment to express how I feel, but I need to let Ms. Knope do it for me. WTF is wrong with these people?