
Nah, if he had been hanging around for an hour, he was waiting from someone that he knew he could attack. He probably wanted money, valuables, etc. He’s homeless. He was likely trying to survive and mix that in with being crazy/severely screwed up from his past - he wasn’t just going to rob someone, he was going to

That’s a big swing and a miss with your use of palimpsest.

“a child is not a christian child, not a muslim child, but a child of christian parents or a child of muslim parents. this latter nomenclature, by the way, would be an excellent piece of consciousness-raising for the children themselves. a child who is told she is a ‘child of muslim parents’ will immediately realize

MAYBE it is just because I am a cynical asshole and also a fat but the joke was that she is fat right?

Fat and black!

Now playing

Remember when Jeff Goldblum got busted for doing this?