
What is wrong with stupid Democrats like you? How can you possibly keep missing the point of Kapernick. He went from penniless bastard child, or multi-millionaire in this country that he think oppresses people. The fact that he “has never said he’s oppressed” is the freaking point you dumb*ss. Someone may or may not

Pretty sure the worst candidate ever is the one who lost.

It’s not a Muslim ban and all your favorite dems approved Gorsuch 10 years ago.

Aw, you’re melting snowflake......

Pretty amazing you do a whole article on this but fail to mention that Reid, Schumer and Biden had told GHWB and GWB separately and publicly that they would not under any circumstances confirm a Supreme Court nominee in Bush’s last year. And Schumer was the worst because he said it in 2007 when there was well over a

The Democrats would have done the exact same thing had the roles been reversed.

You can thank Harry Reid for this

Again, what Muslim ban? Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates etc, etc, etc are all majority Muslim and are not included in Trump’s executive order. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country by population and isn’t included in the order. The seven countries that were included in the order were

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

I hope you all realize that this is ultimately the democrats fault by passing obamacare without one republican vote. When the democrats had control of the senate they had it changed so that a simple majority of 51 can get something passed instead of 60 votes which would need bipartisan support. So when you pass