
If they have found evidence that their ancestors had feathers, it is reasonable to assume they did too. Also, they have found marks on their arm bones that indicate they had large quills. Paleontologists keep finding dinosaurs with feathers farther and farther back in time. Perhaps many did.

The funny thing is, some ultra-conservative men are doing it to themselves. There are places where you can buy glasses that blur your vision past a certain distance so they won't see an immodest woman by accident.

There isn't any evidence for an adult tyrannosaur having feathers, but it is conceivable that tyrannosaur chicks were covered in down. Perhaps adult tyrannosaurs only grew feathers in mating season to display with or only had a light integument that would not fossilize as easily as a thicker coat of feathers would.

The flu shot is not a drug. It is a killed virus. Think of it as studying for your immune system and if you come in contact with a live flu virus after your immune system has studied a dead virus, your body will know what to do. Vaccines actually make your immune system stronger with out you spreading disease or

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Oviraptors have been discovered with feathers. Caudipteryx was discovered with feathers. Also, the name of this dinosaur is Similcaudipteryx.

If you leave any sort of bread product out in the air, it won't decay. It will just dry out. That is all that happened. Even home made bread with only four ingredients will do this. Same with the fries. They don't rot because you need water to rot. Think mummies. Now, put any of those things in a plastic bag and you

So updating knowledge and medical treatments is bad?

Organic food uses pesticides. They use ones derived from plants typically and have to apply them twice as often as the synthesized ones. They also tend to be destructive to more insect species than the targeted varieties.

The moon is often harder to get a good picture of because it moves and the satellites with cameras on them are not locked in a geostationary orbit. Also, the flags are incredibly tiny.