
It would be great if they all go back Syria, all 250k of them join ISIS, thats awesome!!! Can you say “target rich environment” for Russian,American, and French fighter and strike aircraft. I would say that’s awesome. Far better to have them killing and dying over there, then to come over here and attempting to blow

Accepting in Refugee does not make us safer it puts us all at greater risk. Your Idealist view of the world is flawed. The muslim community is not our friend and by letting them in you expose us to attacks in the short term and put us in long term risk with possible flow up attacks. This is 4th dimensional warfare.

More Rage heads blowing themselves up trying to take everybody with them. Clearly Obama has a not freaking clue as to what he is talking about when it comes to these Syrian Refugees. I hope we kick them all out, make sure pack them up and ship them back to where ever they came from. Bunch filthy savages

The F-35 project is massive pile of crap and a total waste of taxpayer money, I’ll be surprised if that thing ever works properly....

The F-15 rocks!!!!! they should trash the f-35 program and build more F-15s!!

I want it!!!