
Check out Archer. If you don't like that, THEN your credibility is shot.

I will jump on the Terriers > Freaks and Geeks bandwagon. The latter fizzled out for me in the second half, while the former just got better and better.

Needed zombies, I guess
Fuck, I hate people.

I got excited when I recognized the song, but quickly was annoyed because a song that was originally used to score an astronaut sacrificing himself and getting incinerated was used for a road trip.

This will never be released on DVD, will it? Great FX show before people knew FX was awesome.

Between this and Burn After Reading, Clooney is on a poster roll!

Man, I missed the Blood Meridian discussion last year. I would have had another go at it after giving up the first time around.

I didn't even vote…
…but A Scanner Darkly is perfect for me. This will be the first time I take part in this.

Yes, definitely watch the first two series, although I think the first-person camera was more pronounced when it first started.

There has to be some self-selection bias here right? 1986 and I'm in the middle? Get the fuck out.

Era Vulgaris is absolutely fantastic, and better than this album.

The entire series for $110 at both Amazon and Best Buy is a goddamn steal.

This explanation is better than mine.

First season. Campbell tells Cooper in front of Don, and Cooper just treats it as irrelevant.

All I got from this blog post
is remembering how goddamn incredible the finale — really, most of the final season — of The Shield was. Perfection.

So awesome
Smoking marijuana, eating cheetos, and masturbating does not constitute plans in my book.


He couldn't live with an NFL without Favre
Peter King is next.

So basically AMC hates satellite television providers?