
The clip makes me want to talk about the beautiful cinematography of the Scarif space battle. I don’t think any space battle SW or otherwise has felt so huge, kinetic, and majestic. I want to know what ideas and inspirations went into it.

They did about the best job I’ve yet seen for this kind of thing but, just my opinion here, I think they almost pushed Tarkin’s screen time too far. Less would have been more and might have made it harder for those not in the know to tell that he was CG.

Chicago is far from the worst place in the country.

Maybe the best path forward would be to have Leia drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra.

I do not envy these people. It’s raw and sensitve as hell and no matter what choice they make it’ll be the wrong one to a number of people.

Jeezus that header pic...

“We’ve traced the call. It’s coming from....inside the toaster!”

If it could be programmed to make pictures, that would be ok. I imagine a Jesus setting would be popular.


The setting is 4.5, it hasn’t moved in months, maybe a year. Certain things need apps, your drone? Yes. Crop irrigation system? Yes. Toaster? No, and fuck you for suggesting it.

Just another piece of gee-whiz crap to distract the proletariat from the fact we still don’t work a 4 hour day like the Jetson’s promised. And come to think of it, where the hell is my flying car?

It’s fucking toast! It doesn’t need its own app.

Fuck this toaster. Fuck all the work that went in to create it. I’m not texting my fucking toast.

Yes to shiny toaster

yes... a smug comment using humor to avoid addressing the issue presented... The classic internet liberal choice....

Don’t know about you, but I heard a lot more noise being made over transgender rights than unions and worker’s rights.

Nice strawman.

He was only off by two feet.

Screw all of you - I loved it! It was the film 10-year old me wanted instead of Empire or those MF’ing teddy bears! Best Vader scene EVER!