
I am certainly not one to preach about “bootstraps” in this situation. I went to law school, and upon graduating and obtaining my license decided I would take the hit in the pocket book and work to protect those that are most often taken advantage of by offering reduced (often free) rates and not being a stickler

One thing that makes it kind of hard to remember is that the last scene of the second one takes place approximately 3/4 of the way through the third one.

They do see it as a major over-reach, and they attempt in a deliberate fashion to blaze these trails in cases where nobody is ever going to feel sympathetic for the defendant’s civil liberties, and judges will be placed in the uncomfortable position of having to defend the civil liberties of a pedophile to stop them.

The Bourne Redundancy?

Bourne Suppository

Most people don’t want pedophiles on the streets. Most also don’t want the FBI to do unconstitutional activities, even if it means catching pedophiles. The two are not mutually exclusive.

I think he means that he’s glad that the FBI aren’t exempt from the law even though they had good intentions in this case and those f@#%s should be rotting in the lowest depths of hell. If the FBI got a pass for something like overreaching their bounds it would set a precedent for possible future abuse.

As an American, glad this one bit the government in the ass (for now). As a father, disgusted that these guys are back “on the street.”


But Jayden Juice and Charlotte’s Web were not discovered in a traditional lab, and they’re not pharmaceutical products. In a way, that’s an exciting form of progress, because we’re all familiar with some of the unethical behavior pharmaceutical companies exhibit, and it’s nice to have outsiders doing research that

Dear Sir Buzzkillington,

I’m not sure why you were knighted but your points are excellent and appreciated.

Deadbuzz J. Limpjoint

RFK’s assassination is why. When he was gunned down congress made changes to the rules to allow resources for candidates as it became evident that even people simply seeking the nomination are at risk.

Good point. I have a friend who owns some farmland in California. He rented it out to some farmers who sub-let it out to some medical marijuana growers. Feds raided the property and now my friend is in court fighting to keep his land from being confiscated by the federal government even though he wasn’t profiting

I had LASIK back in March of 2000 at age 27. It held for about 12 years so I figured that was a good run. My eyes changed slightly as I grew older so I went in for an enhancement. The doc went in under the SAME INCISION that was made back in 2000. Amazing. So the good news is that I didn’t have to have that machine

Yeah, I don’t understand why people are excited about this. Not one commercial/trailer has impressed me.

Meh, I figure Herr Trump would be too busy chasing Mexican rapists (!) to worry too much about weed. Besides, in all seriousnes, further legalization would stick it to traffickers across the border who profit from prohibition.

DINGDINGDING right here.

Yep. I got in an INTENSE conversation with a friend for not being particularly pissed about the cliffhanger. The use of a cliffhanger in and of itself wasn’t the problem. Shows, including this one, use it regularly and it’s totally legitimate. For me, the cliffhanger fell flat because it was thoroughly unearned due to

I do whenever i greet my patients and give them an overview of how they can expect their surgery to proceed. A good laser technician assisting the surgeon should also explain this and fire the laser a few times before you go under it so you get used to the sound as its quite loud.

I try to when I greet and scan patients, and a good laser technician (who assists the surgeon) should also explain this when you go into theatre as well when they describe the noise of the laser and the proceedure.