
The most hilarious scenario is Republicans stop the nomination of a new Justice, Hilary wins and nominates Obama.
I’m pretty sure I’d die laughing.

This is the Marine Corps, not the Air Force.

They'll get cast-off string and delaminated tarps from the Army and have to make do.

I always thought it was going to be a 1-2 punch. Maggie was going to get the bat and Glenn would get mowed down by gunfire trying to stop it.

It’s funny (sad funny, not ha-ha funny) that Trump is SO bad that he makes the rest of the Republican party look good. I’ve compared him to The Joker in other threads in that he’s completely insane, unpredictable yet calculating at the same time, and seems to have this following of mentally unstable minions at his

She may very well not even know that he got scared and froze up. Sam, Jessie, and Ron all died, leaving no one left who was really very close to them. It would be weird to think Rick, Michonne or Carl was going around giving a detailed play-by-play of how it all went down. More likely everyone just knows “they didn’t

except it’s not going to be Glenn.

So, unfortunately, I’ve been out of the loop with Walking Dead for about 2 seasons now (unfortunate that I don’t have cable TV anymore), but the above picture? Carol’s looking more and more like Jamie Lee Curtis.

This was all I could keep thinking re: Carol the whole episode:

Gotta love it when Carol is fighting Paula and Maggie is just standing there...watching..with 2 guns on the floor.

I just want you to know that I like this argument so much that I am stealing it.

I assume your criticism is prescriptive, though, right? I mean, you aren’t just saying this kind of thing for fun. It is reasonable to assume that you would like to see writers doing less of this sort of thing, hence the criticism.

Your intentional refusal to clarify makes it perfectly obvious that a rational conversation is the last thing you want (for whatever reason). I have no idea how your comment related to mine, so goodbye to you.

And you are hearing SOOOO many constitutional and revolutionary war historians losing their shit over it, right?

Funny how you picked two examples that couldn’t help you at all. You picked Shylock, who is portrayed in the view of the people who hate him as a horrible stereotype, yet is affectionately written by Shakespeare as the person done most wrong to, who is eaten up inside by the malaise created by the “normal” people.

My geographical location has nothing to do with my ability to make moral judgements. How ridiculously condescending of you, and exactly the kind of insane moral logic I’m talking about.

Guess what? Loius CK is a fucking comedian. If you want to call someone out for hurtful speech, do so, but I grow weary of the ever-increasing list of shit I can’t talk about because someone, somewhere with paper-think skin may get offended by it.

How this has not been “shared” on either site yet amazes me.

Doesn’t the wand thing kind of parallel actual history a bit? Europe was able to subjugate the native populations of a good chunk of the world because that particular continent had developed better tools for killing people, namely gunpowder and firearms. Why is it a problematic that there is a fictional parallel to

As somebody who doesn’t live in the USA and is therefore not drowning in a morass of racial neuroses, I don’t find anything remotely offensive about Rowling’s description of Native American magic.

What part of “fictional history” is so damn difficult? This is a pathetic bit of outrage pandering that is beneath even the standards of this site. Clearly, wands are meant to equate to guns, which the Europeans had and the Native American tribes did not. (And a cursory reading of 19th century history will tell you