
Oh sure when he takes his pants off and gives them to someone he’s “generous” and it’s “beautiful” but when I do it I’m “drunk” and “not welcome back to Walmart”.


Cheers to her for keeping it together through reading the announcement, her delivery made it kinda hard for me to keep it together.

While they were meant to be herding the sheep.

The length of my thigh is exactly the distance from the front of my backrest to the back of the seat in front of me on most flights and I’m 10 inches shorter than Shaq.

Definitely 28 gold at least.

As it turns out, it’s Michael Phelps’ baby. He’s always had the faster swim times.

Do you think he’s Funky Billy Chin or is it Little Sammy Chung? I always get those two confused.

I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”

It’s an empty gesture. The bill doesn’t stop stadium management from having a no gun policy and there isn’t a chief of security who would allow guns they don’t control into their stadium.

Damn, that one guy is really into baking. He’s really working that filo dough.

Condolences are OK. It’s those thoughts and prayers you’ve got to be careful with. I posted on Facebook that my grandfather was in the hospital with terminal cancer. So many thoughts and prayers came his way that he hulked out and destroyed half the hospital wing. It took 9 horse tranquilizers to bring him down.

It still remains illegal to produce\distribute\consume cannabis at the federal level and federal law takes precedence over all state laws, ergo, the consumption of marijuana is illegal in all states. The ability of the DOJ to prosecute marijuana based offenses was limited by a budget measure passed in 2014 but that

A suit wouldn’t go anywhere. You cannot legally consume marijuana in the US.

The CBA bans “illegal” drugs, and if Henderson is using cannabis under New York state’s medical marijuana program, he could do so legally, though it remains illegal federally.

This is racist, right?

He’s a pitcher in the AL...He fires bullets.

Right? Stick to baseball. All we should care about is Chapman being a solid safety net to drop in after the first out in the 7th. He’s proven that he can get through eight rounds with relatively minor consequences.

I’ll admit, that last one was a struggle. Took me more than a few minutes. I was thinking compatriot but that doesn’t quite work.