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All I know is that any song which inspires this has clearly got something behind it.

I didn’t read it as a shot but I’d agree with the poster that it’s much more popular than you make it sound. It’s definitely in the zeitgeist - you can tell by just how much it’s been parodied and referenced. Of the non-ballads, the average person is much more likely to know “Cool” than they are “Gee, Officer Krupke.”

Yes, that was a big improvement over Alex getting beaten up by garbage monsters and poorly rendered CGI magical cats. I am watching only for Alex, having never watched any non-crossover eps of The Flash, and finally we get some action and even get to see her deploying her (presumably future-enhanced) Hand of the

sure, but how cheated are fans going to feel if they don’t end up there?

I think we also have to bear in mind that Method was a product of its time, and one reason fewer people are explicitly fully Method these days is that a sort of low-level semi-Method has become universal. You don’t get the old Shakespearian Declamation style on TV or film anymore (well, not very much) - it’s not

12 is definitely the weakest of the trilogy, and the least rewatchable, since the heist is way too complicated and if you come in in the middle of the movie, you’re always gonna be kind of lost.

I’ll just share my top 5 6 reactions since most of them have been expressed already — I didn’t get caught up until yesterday evening:

1. I did not like the super-bold eye makeup choice for Lena’s wedding outfit. I also do not like the super-bold eye makeup that is part of Sentinel’s costume. I do not know why this is a

Farewell, Supergirl. You were wildly inconsistent, which we saw last night, but all your flaws can be forgiven simply by virtue of Melissa Benoist. A simply perfect piece of casting—she was Kara Zor-El in a way that few other actors comes to singularly represent their characters. I will miss this show.

If nothing else I appreciate that this show made it clear that while Lex considers Superman his arch-enemy, Supergirl FUCKING HATES him. 

Hard for me to agree this show is “queerbaiting” given the groundbreaking coming out stories it gave both Alex and Nia & the commitment it made to both of their LGBT relationships

Echoing a lot of other comments here, the finale was a mess in terms of resolving the ongoing season 6 threads, but man did it stick the landing on the series finale as a whole. I think a lot of us predicted Kara would “give up” being Supergirl in some way, but I love how the ending subverted this and showed this

You will never, in a million years, convince me that this was Rovner and Quiller’s ideal plan for the final season. In my head I think they were expecting to go for at least another season past this one and all the stuff with Kara taking increasingly more and more drastic, and unpopular, measures to fight Nyxly was

Pluses from these episodes?

But Cat was much more important to the history of the show, so if the choice was either Clark or Cat the show made the right decision.

The fact that the show kept Calista Flockhart’s return a surprise.

I wish Andrea had been more relatable - when she chats with Lena you get the sense of a real character, but as a boss she’s basically Disney Channel-levels of exaggeration. There was an opportunity to add nuance, whether by highlighting her inexperience or her commitment to keeping Cat-Co running through ratings.

My guess is they shot all the stuff in National City at the start of the season while Benoist was on maternity leave, and then had Benoist film her Phantom Zone stuff when she got back. Which is why she’s flat not in the time travel two parter. However I haven’t read anything that confirms that.

How chaotic this season has been is probably a fitting legacy for this show, so much potential and often nearly great but also just a lot of noise and false starts too.

It was nice of the show to remember that Lena and Andrea share a personal history, and to give Katie McGrath something to say that wasn’t tongue-twisting exposition.

Congrats to William on being the most useful he’s ever been on this show, yelling at Andrea about how awful she is and making cookies with the kid. And then he died, going out on a high.