
Dwyane Wade is such a manufactured star. The rigged 2006 finals were such a heavy-handed attempt to get Wade over as the next big thing at the 2 thay it soured me on him forever. Also, dude can’t shoot, never learned how to shoot, and gets his on offense solely based on a quick first step and the knowledge that the

Intuitively it might seem like that but i remember a study that found that unfiltered joints were less wasteful than bongs, because the water also filters out some of the THC.

CP3 for Kyrie. Clips get a younger piece who they can partner with Blake long-term, Cavs go all-in during Lebron’s last few prime seasons.

You have been owned in this exchange worse than I’ve seen anyone get owned in an online argument in quite a while. Not only that but it was obviously you whose Jimmies were being rustled by the whole thing. You are a funny, funny man

You can make a good argument that being rich is inherently immoral. Being rich means hoarding more wealth than necessary rather than giving the excess to people in need. That’s basically the moral of the New Testament btw (“easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom

Aw looks like a Wall St. parasite got his feelings hurt. :(

Fallout 4’s horrendous PC performance issues were my biggest disappointment, as a long-time Bethesda fan (probably the only dev whose games I still make a point of buying at launch). I got Fallout 4 and it was barely playable on my old PC. I wasn’t surprised, I knew it was getting old enough that one of these days I

I’m just so sick of the Forerunners/Precursors/Ancients/Whatever trope. Is it just me or does every single modern big-budget sci fi game employ this story element? It’s so lazy.

Well that gets to another aspect of this. If Simmons is right about ESPN claiming that podcasts can’t make money, when top podcasts like the BS Report could pull in millions in ad revenue alone, that goes a long way toward explaining why it wasn’t profitable: they failed to properly monetize the content.

Your loss, there was a lot of excellent writing on there. You seem to consider your avoiding said good writing as some kind of accomplishment, which seems odd to me.

It always seemed like a sop to Simmons, who was probably threatening to leave and start his own site if they didn’t give him one. There was always a tension between Grantland’s attempt to provide good writing and analysis, and ESPN’s attempt to provide viewers with many hours of crotchety old guys yelling idiotic

I also think there’s some sour grapes (see: Holly Anderson’s twitter feed) on the part of Grantlanders who Simmons didn’t try to hire away...

I don’t understand Holly’s viewpoint. Did she really think ESPN would keep Grantland around long-term were Simmons not talking to Miller, or hiring away editors? That is straight-up delusional... The writing was on the wall for Grantland when Simmons was canned.

He hired away some of his old hires, giving ESPN a pretext to close the whole thing? It’s a very flimsy criticism, imo, but there are tons of vehement Simmons haters out there grasping for straws. Instead of looking at this and coming to the logical conclusion, that ESPN is a terrible company, they try to spin at as

Yep, had my WD passport for about 5 years now, not a single issue during that time.

Yep, had my WD passport for about 5 years now, not a single issue during that time.

this isn't even online, but single-player. I was playing Stainless Steel, a mod for Medieval 2 Total War (on Very Hard, of course). I was the Byzantines and had managed to reconquer most of the old Easter Roman Empire, when the mongols showed up with their doomstacks. They drove me back from the borders of Persia to

i think the real question is whether Elisha Cuthbert was involved.

Sure looks like the Ravens are really trying to give the Colts a run for their money as the kings of sour grapes and being sore losers.

feel like shit, relative to how you feel when you're not cutting weight. Maybe it's just me, but i notice the following effects on even a 500 cal deficit:

I play pc games on the couch all the time, hundreds and hundreds of hours. I keep the keyboard on my lap and i put a small stack of coffee table books with a mousepad on top to my right. Works perfectly.