
Furthermore it relies on the assumption that vehicle expense are all job-related which isnpt necessarily the case. A lot of the “costs” that they are deducting to arrive at “profit” are things people would be paying even if they didn’t drive uber. If you deduct someone’s lease and insurance from the earnings then yes,

What I don’t understand about this case is why the state cannot simply announce they are building a new road through his property, invoke eminent domain and compensate him? Is it that they just don’t want to have to buy the land off him?

You don’t get it... it’s not about having a private beach... it’s about the status symbol and ego boost of owning a private beach in the most populous state. Having a private island is great if you want a private beach, but it doesn’t let you lord over the plebs the way this guy is looking to do. Lots of his buddies

I really don’t understand the criticism of the time aspect. This ep had so many problems,but that was not really one of them. This was how I processed it:

Sorry, forgot to dumb down my choice of words to Kinja standards.

2400 is about average though. I’ve seen a 3287cp Arcanine and a bunch of 3000-3300 Dragonites. I saw a 3000 cp Dragonite less than a week after release.

this one’s my favourite. “All you had to do was replicate the success of MGSV only with 25 other features that I wanted! You couldn’t even do that right! SCREW YOU KONAMI!”

How to enjoy coffee when it’s hot out:

It’s the same mentality you see with sports fans. To paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld:

You answered your own question. In America seeing horrific violence is fine as long as you don’t see a titty... that would surely scar children for life!

Exhibit C: These clowns

$1.15 billion = $550-600 million for the studio

Same here...

Cyclists are way too low, assuming you mean “people who are really into cycling” rather than just normal people riding bikes around dressed normally. Cyclists who wear the full outfit, including the little cap, should be top 5 based solely on how dumb they look. You’re not in the Tour de France, jackasses.

Maybe people are just not as excited for the 203789th superhero sequel as they were for the first few? A lot of what is considered “negativity” seems more like people just being burned out on the endless remakes/sequels/reboots/adaptations/general lack of originality, and getting progressively less excited and more

Nah, disagree. The film got the equivalent of a gazillion dollars in free marketing out of the internet reaction.

Obviously it wasn’t needed. That was why they had to rely on the gender-swapping gimmick, to try to convince people that it was needed, and try to squeeze some free publicity out of the (predictably) asinine internet reaction. I thought it was a really cynical attempt to try to make money by wrapping an unoriginal and

I’m talking about office jobs.

Then that ignorance would extend to other AAA publishers who face the same realities as EA. And yet, Ubisoft, Activision and the rest are not nearly as reviled as EA. There is a reason for this, and I suspect you, like the initial guy who took issue with my comment, either work for or are affiliated with EA in some

... Or maybe people just hate EA.