
this one’s my favourite. “All you had to do was replicate the success of MGSV only with 25 other features that I wanted! You couldn’t even do that right! SCREW YOU KONAMI!”

How to enjoy coffee when it’s hot out:

Same here...

Cyclists are way too low, assuming you mean “people who are really into cycling” rather than just normal people riding bikes around dressed normally. Cyclists who wear the full outfit, including the little cap, should be top 5 based solely on how dumb they look. You’re not in the Tour de France, jackasses.

Then that ignorance would extend to other AAA publishers who face the same realities as EA. And yet, Ubisoft, Activision and the rest are not nearly as reviled as EA. There is a reason for this, and I suspect you, like the initial guy who took issue with my comment, either work for or are affiliated with EA in some

... Or maybe people just hate EA.

So a 90lb woman and a 300lb man should both consume the same amount of alcohol?

Agreed. Medium-rare burgers have too mushy a texture in the middle.

As per the TOS you are not allowed to:

They were violating the TOS for in-game benefit. How were they not cheating?


The in-game tracker required you to gradually hone in a pokemon’s location, all while racing other players to find it first. Pokevision just told you exactly where to go to find the rarest/most powerful Pokemon. Do you honestly not see the difference?

Yes but the in-game tracking was never meant to show you on the google maps overlay exactly where a Pokemon is. You would have still needed to walk around in that 1km radius to find it. That’s a far cry from “oh I see there’s a Dragonite at the corner of 1st and 20th, I went and caught it.”

It’s a little tricky... You have to walk away. The starter trio will disappear and pop up again, lile how pokemon disappear when you get too far... On the 4th or 5th time they pop back up, there’ll be a pikachu

But how many of those consumers who were already into Pokemon are, say, 30 years old now? Maybe they played Red and Blue and the next several iterations, but stopped at some point. When Go was released, between the hoopla and the appeal to nostalgia, they got swept up in it, and now they’re considering maybe buying a

... okay, fair enough. But I doubt that people in your boat represent a big chunk of the people freaking out about this. You know as well as I do who is most affected by this, and it isn’t parents trying to make their four year old’s day.

I mean... they openly said that the current game only has 10% of the planned features...

You need to do a Pokestop run. Go for a walk 0r jog on a major street that has lots of pokestops along it. I was out of balls, walked around the block a couple times and now I have 32 pokeballs, 4 great balls and 2 ultra balls.

Exactly. This is how the game was meant to be played... if not being literally pointed right to the location of each Pokemon ruins it for you, maybe you should try something else.

Oh the irony. The “people who are complaining they’ve been cheated” were actually cheating in-game, and now that their cheating has been blocked, they feel cheated out of the money they spent in furtherance of their cheating... can everyone follow that tortured logic?