
ESPN's comment section is a cesspool.

Fire Blast/Hydro Pump >>>>>>> Solar Beam

Blaziken looks stupid but kicks serious ass. I beat the entire elite 4 with only a lvl 70 Blaziken when I originally played Ruby

I always pick fire, because good fire pokemon are rare and tend to only come up in the late game. In Red & Blue, if you didn't take Charmander, you were basically without a decent fire pokemon until you got Epona or Growlith, which was waaaaay later. Grass and Water were always much easier to find alternatives for.

"Women" don't have internal testes. Intersex people who display and identify as "women" can, however.

Did you read the article? I'm pretty sure that someone who has "lady parts from birth" isn't a candidate for a GONADectomy.

Also, they've got an entire pharmacy coursing through their bloodstream.

Why not just get rid of gendered competitions? Have everyone compete in the same group. Equality.

"On field stuff" might be generous, true.

I just think that a discussion of whether or not Roger Goodell saw a video before or after he decided something does not have the legs for weeks of round-the-clock coverage, and it's starting to show in terms of repetitiveness. What does the media need to "wrap up" exactly, anyway? They've covered every aspect of the

The main change I've noticed in Simmons' writing over the years (other than the irritating name-dropping) as been the decline in funniness. Seriously, I remember reading columns about the Jail Blazers or something in the early 2000s and laughing my ass off, and now a Simmons article barely makes me chuckle. I thought

LeBatard is great, and actually thumbs his nose at the sports media establishment more than Simmons. The HoF vote thing and the crusty responses it elicited was genius.

You seem like you have a really engaging personality.

I have always been prejudiced against David Lynch because the first movie of his I ever saw was Dune. I had read the book in high school, and it was (and still is) one my favourite books around. The movie was mindbogglingly disappointing, unfortunately. If any sci fi novel needed just a straightforward adaptation that

Just want to point out that analysis of this scandal passed the Tim Tebow Memorial "They Just Won't Stop Talking About This" line a few weeks ago. This isn't 9/11 or a President being assassinated. This is about whether the NFL had seen a video earlier or later. The amount of ink being spilled is so grossly

I honestly don't get why it would be hard to imagine. People love to act as though they're "too busy" for that, but the math doesn't back it up. Let's say you work 50 hours per week and sleep 8 hours per night, plus an hour or two getting ready for work and commuting. That's 116 hours per week. There are 168 hours in

And it's not as though grinding is a novel concept. If anything, the trend toward "accessibility" (ie: dumbing things down so as to not turn off any potential customers) has reduced the overall amount of grinding, at least in RPGs. Back in the day, you would get to a boss, fail a few times, and realize you're not at a

Oh, come now - the reason people are upset with stripped-out features in something like The Sims isn't because they "expect content", it's because EA's track record suggests it's just another cynical ploy to squeeze DLC money out of people. It's a question of whether things were held out for developmental reasons or

Why would anyone get a $2000 soundbar? It makes no sense, I don't understand what market they're aiming for. People with $2000 to spend on soundbars are usually people who will buy expensive surround sound systems instead.

Why would anyone get a $2000 soundbar? It makes no sense, I don't understand what market they're aiming for. People