
If you have a consistent problem making weight, you should move up a weight class. Cejudo clearly has a problem hitting 126. This isn't the first time he's failed to make weight. Just move up to 135 already! The logic of "being bigger than your opponent is good, therefore go for a lower weight class" is undermined by

If you don't like the card, don't buy it? People aren't buying it. That's the problem.

Out of the roughly 400 remaining events this year the only one I was REALLY looking forward to was Jones-Cormier. Now that's delayed.

lol @ worrying about distractions. Yeah, because if they were totally focused and without distractions the Rams would do well this year!

This is why I've gradually lost interest in the UFC over the years. Well, this and Dana White's schtick. It's never a good sign when the overriding emotion you feel watching anything UFC is a desire to punch Dana White in the face.

Does that include alcohol? Caffeine? Aspirin? Opiates? Anti-depressants? Anti-anxiety drugs?

No way could that pass for a real ESPN comment. First of all, it's missing spelling and grammatical mistakes. Second of all, it's not nearly overtly racist enough, although I like the line about the "dark, smokey blackness". Maybe add a line about how "these animals are out of control" or something. Finally, you need

I am absolving him. The NFL really has no business penalizing players for consuming non-performance enhancing drugs. It's just a typical employer power trip, with a veneer of phony moralizing designed to appeal to right wingers and corporate sponsors.

I knew he was going to issue some PR-scripted apology about how he's so sorry for "letting down" his asshole con-artist owner and incompetent teammates, and was pleasantly surprised that it was a bit critical of the NFL's blockheadedness.

I knew he was going to issue some PR-scripted apology about how he's so sorry for "letting down" his asshole con-artist owner and incompetent teammates, and was pleasantly surprised that it was a bit critical of the NFL's blockheadedness.

I'm confused by these comments, but then again I'm not American. BK has been struggling in Canada for a while now, at least half the locations I remembered from when I was a kid are closed now, but there's a few 24 hour locations that are packed with drunk people in the middle of the night. And I thought it was common

BK can replace their horrible coffee with one of the few coffees in the world that's actually worse, and reap the rewards of the 50 year-long Jedi Mind Trick that Timmy's has pulled in convincing Canadians that their coffee is not actually made from dirty dishwater and twice-reused coffee grounds.

There is no "before he was injured" with Sam Bradford.

I like how you take people to task for criticizing the ContentID (or whatever this one is called) system, then in the very same post admit you've had videos flagged for false positives.

Yet it doesn't seem that Netflix and others have nearly the same degree of difficulty.

Posting this on the same day that you run the story about RPGs that need sequels, featuring Jade Empire... it's like you guys are trying to taunt me.

Starcraft II was released in 2010. The last expansion is probably going to be released this year. Where do they go from there? They took 12 years in between StarCraft and StarCraft II but they bridged that with... Warcraft 3.

After relieving themselves all over my childhood Diablo memories with the cynically exploitative and greedy Diablo III, frankly I don't trust Blizz with any of their series any more.

WoW is a top-down RTS? I must have missed that expansion.

"Please, Blizzard, make another Warcraft RTS."