
Sounds like the Cowboys used talk of loyalty to dupe Smith into signing a bad deal, to the point that he even dismissed his agent's concerns. He's being exploited here, but he did it to himself — 23 year olds should not be overruling their agents when they tell not to sign something.

I've played something like 600 hours of Ck2 over the last year, and I haven't even dipped into the mods yet...

The tutorial is worthless anyway. Just watch some Let's Play videos.

So in this context, the Reps would use idiot Tea Partiers to pressure the government into NOT spending money on space exploration, then turn around and divert that money into the pockets of their corporate backers.

The Republicans, like the Democrats, have one and only one goal: to enrich Wall St. and other oligarchs. The Reps exploit this libertarian Tea Party rhetoric in a completely cynical way. Tea Partiers will take issue with government spending, which suits the Republican agenda perfectly — Reps would like that money to

I like your naive assumption that the Tea Party is somehow distinct from mainstream Reps. It's not. Tea Party types will say they're against big government, but what they're really against is liberalism. They generally have no problem whatsoever spending ridiculous amounts of money on the army or police, typical

Going by attendance figures and shots of the stands in Rays games, I'm going out on a limb and saying I'm pretty sure it always looks like that.

You're mistaken sir, this isn't the ESPN comment section. Your amazing "detoilet" pun would be better appreciated over there. I'm afraid people here won't appreciate your wit.

No one likes the Bills in Toronto. There are lots of Cowboys fans, Packers fans, Bears fan, Steelers fans, even Lions fans. But in my 20+ years of living in Southern Ontario I have never once (NOT ONCE) met a Bills fan. They're terrible and people here think of Buffalo as a complete dump. Why would people want to go

I think so too. If teams are publicly owned, then there's no issue with taxpayer funding of stadiums, because it's basically an investment in city infrastructure.

As a Canadian, let me tell you: only a handful of people give a shit about the CFL. All football fans under the age of 40 watch American football (NFL or college) exclusively. I was at UWO about 10 years ago and we would spend all Sunday watching NFL games with huge crowds. For comparison I never once saw anyone

The Pulitzer Prize has no gravitas. It's a joke.

Christ I don't know why anyone would buy this game. They're just going by the Simcity playbook, and this will be a disaster.

Nah, the reason the West won't be able to accomplish this is because of Tea Party dunces saying "DUR YOU AIN'T GON SPEND MY TAXES ON DAT DER SPACE THINGAMAJIG, BIG GOVERNMENT!"

Nintendo is both a publisher and a developer. While they have distinct departments, Nintendo as a whole has to sign off on it... the individual studios don't just make and release whatever they want, whenever they want. Also there is often overlap and oversight... for example when Retro was making Metroid Prime 1,

Nintendo derping around is still better than just about any other dev.

They don't do fan service, they do the opposite of fan service. Fans weren't asking for FFXIII-37 or whatever they're up to now... Square just forced it down people's throats, because that was what they wanted to make. If they had been listening to the fans they wouldn't be in the mess they are.

It's niche outside of Japan for availability reasons, not gameplay reasons. There's nothing overly exotic about DQ that would keep Western gamers away from it any more than another JRPG series... what makes it niche is that they just simply refused to release the games outside of Japan for the longest time.

FFX, while not as good as VI or VII, is better than VIII and IX imo. It's dated as hell now but when it was released it was really new and exciting, and even my friends who didn't play RPGs were interested in it.

Once upon a time I would have had Square as a close #2 to Nintendo. Now... not so much. They've gone downhill, hard. Has a series ever gone from such mainstream relevance to mainstream irrelevance as Final Fantasy? They ran that series into the ground. Notice how little excitement there is around new Square games,