
How to get into Harvard:

I don't understand. Do people bring their cats there when they go for coffee? Or are the cats part of the cafe? Do they own the cafe?

I legitimately laughed out loud when I saw that it was $15.

Don't think I've ever seen anyone even mention this game in the last 5 years. Really underrated imo, the last big pre-EA Bioware game... nearly as good a story as KOTOR, unique setting (the ancient China setting is criminally underused imo but that's a whole tangent), decent real-time martial arts combat...

Eh the fact that you need to trade to evolve into crobat puts me off, I never had people to trade with so I tended to avoid those pokemon... sucks because you miss out on Alakazam, Gengar, Golem, etc.

The problem with the Temple of Trials is that it affects the kinds of builds people make, just to get past the opening part. You have 48 unarmed and 38 melee... I personally always go all-or-nothing on these stats, ie: I either make a melee character and try to max out, or else I make a guns character and put nothing

If only someone modded FTL to not make me ragequit every time, because that game is impossible.

This was basically my D3 experience as well. Started out as a monk, maxed him out (pre-prestige days), then created a demon hunter, and immediately wished that I'd played DH all alone. Much more fun and very OP... just like Zons in D2

Gotta love fanboys. This is a clear case of everyone losing, and yet NVidia fanboys are celebrating. This mentality is a big part of what's wrong with the industry today, people supporting companies reflexively even when they're being screwed over in the process. NVidia does not care about you or about your

Morrowind is still the greatest western RPG of all time IMO. The goal of open-world RPGs should be to create a sense of complete freedom and endless possibilities, and no game does that better than Morrowind. Oblivion and Skyrim, while both excellent games, had all kinds of constraints built into them. Sometimes for

And this isn't a knock on GOG who is very good, and my go-to source for optimized older games

To follow up, a few more things:

I've used Steam for years, have about 100 games in my library, and have never had ANY issues with it, layout or otherwise.

This is a bit on a non-issue, tbh, because you'd have to be a dumbass to play Ubisoft games on PC. They're designed for consoles, meant to be played with console controllers, and just ported to PC half-assedly. You have to use uplay, which is such garbage that it makes Origin seem awesome and reliable by comparison.