
Opinion: everyone should have to survive off of service industry jobs and wages for a year. It would make society a nicer place.

They were usually pretty kind to each other, but they were funny with their “overall experience” ratings which was all you would really see them give. “I’m giving her wedding a 4/10. She looked so beautiful, the food was awesome, and I had the most fun ever. However, it was hot during the ceremony.”

Yep. It’s official. I am old as fuck.

What did I just attempt to read??

I am a big believer in pretending I did not see such things as stray hairs in food I am very excited to eat.

OF COURSE you should eat the soup. Whatever ick factor the hair contributed is negated by the fact that you cooked it.

This is a happy and healthy Macaulay Culkin.

I think TJ Miller thinks TJ Miller is above having regrets so I’m not sure about that.

He’s 56. Shit happens.

I’m willing to bet on the former based on Big Little Lies. Reese was the driving force behind that and it was amazing. Here’s hoping her next project is as rad.

I think you’re reading into that your own baggage...

Clearly you don’t know many Leos...

She does look great, no question.

You spelled “definition” wrong.

BART has a no food, no drink rule...that no one follows. But it would be awesome if they did. I don’t need to smell you BBQ, or curry, or Chinese food, or your McDonald’s. I also don’t want you to spill your fucking coffee all over me, because you don’t know how to balance yourself on the train. It’s gross enough as

I often bring a little bag of almonds and raisins into meetings that I know are going to be loooong because I am prone to headaches if I don’t eat. I surreptitiously eat them one at a time when no one is looking at me, and I feel guilty every moment of it. I cannot imagine eating anything on the subway.

I fucking LIVED for these. When I was in middle school my greatest joy was reading this column, and I still remember finding a stack of old Seventeens in my aunt’s house from the last decade and flipping back to read this column. Fuck, these illustrations are provoking a visceral reaction, I feel like I’m 12 again.

Kim doesn’t even drink. I don’t think she’s snorting coke of a table in her home in the broad daylight.

I know this is not SNS but since I’m in Europe I always miss those and I got really great news today that I want to share! I work in academia and recently I’ve really been wanting to get into research journalism, but it’s not so easy to break into the good publications (‘duh’ - Every Writer Ever). Well, last week I