

My friends aren’t dumb enough to go outside & walk home or whatever this woman was doing while wearing clothing more appropriate for August than January. And if they were, while I’d feel awful, I’d also call them a fucking moron for not catching a ride, wearing a coat, or being so stubborn that they couldn’t even

One hundred thousand dollars - if they have that kind of money to clone a dog who is to say they haven’t already donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to animal causes already? It is not your one hundred thousand dollars - you did not earn it. If Bill Gates decides to use 100k to renovate a room in his house, does

This is just ludicrous.

YES every time some guy says that (it’s your Dad’s name), I’m like, well I don’t KNOW my mom’s mom’s mom’s mom’s mom’s name because patriarchy, so I couldn’t have it if I wanted it. RARR

love that

We got married last year and my husband took my last name. It’s so freaking awesome. We can weed out a lot of closeted bigots by their reaction, and gain quick friends who think it is awesome too. Such a simple act that speaks volumes about what we value.

Well, can you tell the rest of the world to stop messing with my circadian rythm? I am naturally supposed to be asleep starting at 3AM until 12PM. But the working world says I have to work during the day. So unless you have the winning numbers for the next 6 Powerball drawings and are going to give them only to me,

There is something about this... I think it is funny in the sense of “peculiar, strange, odd.” This is a bizarre event of chance. The fact that he was leaving for hot pockets makes it slightly... surreal, for lack of a better word? I think people are having a laughter reaction to it out of stress rather than humor. We

Any box of Lucky Charms is all mashmallow if you’re willing to do the work.

Have you ever tried getting black laugh stains out of upholstery?! Impossible, I tell you.

As long as it’s white laughter. You don’t want those blacks with their black laughs blacking up the place.

Now be fair. It’s been scientifically proven that melanin exhaled through laughter decreases railroad efficiency.

Eh... I have mixed feelings on this.

Buy hey, we finally get to customize the way the trainer looks!

Ha, I was thinking this last night - finally we get the Pokemon MMO! In a form nobody really wanted!

Of course I felt the same way about the Pokewalker but I remember that every single one of my friends in college used it. In fact, we would play DDR and give whoever was on the pad every Pokewalker so we could all benefit from the stomps. Got hella steps that way. Didn’t matter how dorky the Pokewalker was.

Playing the lottery is never a good financial investment, seeing as you have better chances of being on death row and getting a last-minute pardon by the governor than winning. However, if you do play for that glimmer of hope, there are times when it makes more sense to buy a Powerball ticket than others.