Explain to me! I didn't even know there were scissors for fabric. I tried to google to find out what the deal is but only got pages of where to buy some :(
Explain to me! I didn't even know there were scissors for fabric. I tried to google to find out what the deal is but only got pages of where to buy some :(
Explain to me! I didn't even know there were scissors for fabric. I tried to google to find out what the deal is but only got pages of where to buy some :(
Explain to me! I didn't even know there were scissors for fabric. I tried to google to find out what the deal is but only got pages of where to buy some :(
Are they like, super sharp and dangerous or something? Why can they not be used for cutting other things? Scissors-ignorant me would like to know!
I feel these numbers are probably higher than they are able to report, if it's anything like their sister site whatsyourprice, which I have been on: to have a "college student" profile you have to sign up with your edu email, and I sure as hell wanted to keep that separate.
The only part that really gets me is that he'd never actually been to the hotel. So much wtf
Tears, I can't stop them
This headline must have been pretty tragic for dyslexic people or anyone whose brain sometimes mixes up words in a sentence.
So obviously the appropriate takeaway I'm having is that I need to invest in driving dresses
I don't see what the issue is. Yeah it sucks to be reminded of something painful that happened in the last year, but it probably was a big part of your year, and if you were to mentally look back on the last year that event would be included. It wasn't like it's being touted as "Year in Review - Only the Good Parts."
Looks like this ends "December 14, 2014 at 11:59pm PST." Darn, wish it lasted longer! I was saving up 'no rush shipping' dollars for a book but I guess I better cash in now!
Looks like this ends "December 14, 2014 at 11:59pm PST." Darn, wish it lasted longer! I was saving up 'no rush…
Extended warranty on my aging sports car. Best $1600 (for a 2 year coverage including electronics) I ever spent, actually best investment I've ever made period. Earlier this year my engine gave out (happened pretty much when expected mileage-wise) and had to be replaced. Not everything in the repair was covered, but…
I've always been a night owl and scheduled classes in college according to when my brain works best. Only afternoon/evening/night classes. Everybody always warned me I better change my habits because the 'real world' is 9-5. Joke's on them, I graduated and have been working a full-time evening shift at an office now…
Did anyone get nervous at the balcony stuff? Even though I knew everybody would be fine. I don't have a fear of heights just a fear of FALLING from heights. Just all that dancing around near the railing made me want to bite my nails! Loved the rest of this nonsense though :P
I didn't even know a wolf onesie existed until you brought it up and now wonder where that has been all my life because omg I want one