
President Obama earned my respect some time in 2005, Nice try, though.

Respect is earned. When 45* respected the people he purports to work for, we’ll respect him. Until then...fuck off with this nonsense.

You mean they refuse to honor the guy who claimed our last president wasn’t born in the country and tried to delegitimize him because he was black? You’re wondering why they’re not respecting that guy?

he absolutely could have. he’s been a scumbag media hound his entire life, and the one skill he does have is getting his name in the media.

Does explaining to the families how great he is and how many people ‘really’ attended the inauguration qualify as “comfort”?

“gets to” offer comfort? He’s sort of obligated to do it. And he probably won’t. We will all now start remembering how Republicans claimed Obama didn’t respect the soldiers, even though he met their coffins as they arrived home. Bush didn’t do that. I don’t expect Trump will either.

Just wait for the Trumpers to howl and hail those SEALs as “heroes.”

So yeah. Killing young girls and detaining PhD students at airports. Great week Don. Way to show the world who you are.

This is perfectly normal behavior. He has every reason to fear being pushed down the stairs. There’s a big line of people waiting for the chance. And I am one of them

Please dear god, do not leave us liberals in middle america stranded. We don’t want to live in the Republic of Gilead either.

Works for me. Whatever it takes to not live in the backwoods cesspool the rest of the US seems determined to perpetuate.

I live in Oregon, and I support a secession of the western states (OR, WA, CA) to form Pacifica.
If that doesn’t work, I’d like Canada to adopt us as Canada’s ballsack (look at the geography).