Everyone with half a brain detests Palin but seriously, there’s no need to be a gross crude disgusting pig about it.
How can she be re-traumatized if her story was bullshit?
What a vapid clod, sorry but I refuse to pretend that I like her.
The beach is SO OVERRATED. Sure, who wouldn’t want to hit the beach in Tahiti or someplace like that, but I mean the touristy beach, like the NJ shore. It fucking blows. Mobs of fat disgusting slobs, cretinous dirty noisy kids, annoying bitches who get all bent out of shape when you look at them even though they’re…
When Aaron broke Babe Ruth’s record the TV networks actually cut away from regular programming for special reports. Can you imagine AMC interrupting, say, “The Walking Dead” to cover A-Rod breaking a HR record?