"Samberg doesn’t get enough credit for acting chops as a whole on this show". Except for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor he won for being on this show?
"Samberg doesn’t get enough credit for acting chops as a whole on this show". Except for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor he won for being on this show?
"I can take it down A THOUSAND NOTCHES!"
Richard Nixon said that.
I came here for Froghammer jokes.
"Banana in the dark" is still my favourite non-True American, non-kissing, non-Julian Morris's face moment of this show. Tru MVP.
How does a season-long conflict between Leslie/public good and Ron/private enterprise not speak to the most fundamental elements of their relationship? Of course they'll make up, but this was well overdue. It's perfect.
And Peaky Binders is being kept as well? Win.
I was so bored by his whole deal at first, but this episode TOTALLY sold me. He's so twinkly and earnest! And I bet he makes perfect tea.
Flashes of Lionel…
Also I thought they made it pretty clear this season that Oliver does have actual feelings for her, but When He Cares About People People Get Hurt, and the DRAAMAA makes it too hard and he's being a big whiny baby so they can draw out the Olicityliciousness.
Last night I watched Marry Me, New Girl, Mindy and Benched in quick succession (without realising the common thread until halfway through Benched). Post HE Power Rankings indicate the guys are winning at the moment, although the ladies are both carrying their own shows instead of tagging into established hits, so they…
Great, now if she's not in it it's *definitely* ruined.
I think she's a delight in the first - if you appreciate her natural energy and warmth in The Notebook (which she left S&A to film) you'll dig her in this. Also her Shakespeare's pretty great.
A straight male could also be trans*, and it's not a bad idea to make that distinction when you're talking about the political nuances of a man dressing up as a woman and directly influencing the sexual development of young women for his own benefit and the benefit of other straight men.
I was literally blushing at the end of it. My boyfriend couldn't stop laughing at my face.
Important apostrophe placement: I heard it as "my ex-boyfriends' hair". Multiple exes.
True, although it looks like they're going to drip-feed us snippets of Seraphim flashback ft. SpaceGhost!Marcus, achingly slowly.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH. That's INTERESTING. If the alien thingy can bring people back, sort of, why couldn't it bring back a much-wanted but miscarried baby?