Caitlin Cooper

My current theory, and I'm trying to get a doctor to back me up, but the injury is old, (and the only proof of this, the only doctor who said anything was buried in my medical records) is a mild traumatic brain injury to the frontal lobe. (I was so young when it happened, it was indeed mild, and I was/am smart enough

After that bit I felt it got better. I was deeply uncomfortable with it because I suffer from pretty regular aphasia, and I could see myself forgetting the word for lemon and lime at the same time. But I'm not unintelligent at all. I hold two associates degrees and am going for at least one bachelors in English

I think this episode had a whole lot of callbacks I really appreciated, the whole familiar yet unfamiliar deal. Abed has a meltdown but has to fix it himself. Subway is a presence. Phat Neil was hanging out in the background again.

I think McMurphey was likely a narcissist or psychopath. If and which depends on movie or book of course, especially since the movie has a significantly more reliable narrator than the book.

We like to pretend it never existed.

I know it's absolutely bizarre and difficult, trying to explain to someone why Asylum was American Horror Story's best season so far, but for some reason, everything added up into something great.