
Clannibal for life.

I really LOVED that there was a shot of the fan mailed ear that was identical to a shot of Hannibal's ear last season (when he's at the opera). Not to mention that was a David Lynch throwback to begin with, so there's hella Lynch-cenption going on.

B+ for the stool sample.

I also enjoyed that detail. It was cheeky and drew attention to his penis.

I still haven't fully recovered from Hannibal putting on his suit.

"we get to see a much greater exploration of Alana’s personal life in this season, not only in regard to Will, but also with regard to all of the other characters"…I hope this means Hannibloom.

Much more impressed with this group. Bianca is divine and Courtney Act made me audibly gasp when she did her photo shoot. Definition of fish. Milk is another favorite. I was really impressed with this group and now I'm even more excited for the season.

Watching on and Hulu is counting towards their ratings as is watching on a DVR and live tweeting when the show airs. So uhh, do all that shit.

Plus, according to Fuller, it's a relatively inexpensive show to begin with. I have so much faith in the longevity in this show; we live in a completely different television landscape now. Cancelled shows get picked up and rebooted left and right bodes well for us.

In Bryan Fuller we trust

I'm sure if you google any prominent female politician, you will find criticisms of her appearance. So the idea that Jackie would sneak out just to get inked doesn't ring that false to me at all.

I don't think anyone will ever top Joseph Gordon Levitt doing Super Bass.

Absolutely. But I think she was more so than any other premiere so far.

Is it just me or was Michelle a huge stick in the mud tonight? She kept throwing Santino some serious fucking side eye anytime he disagreed with her. Um and excuse you for not mentioning how fucking STUNNING Ru was tonight, Oliver. Head to toe I was gagging over that look and the gown was perfection. Such a great

what do you mean 'we' kemosabe?

Rebel Wilson's american accent is also not that great, which takes me out of the show sometimes. Also, I want to put Kevin Bishop in my pocket, he is just such a lil' cutie (AND JIM HAWKINS FROM MUPPET TREASURE ISLAND)

Two words: Grey's Anatomy. I'm officially out after this season and I can't believe I even watched it this long.

Madison's death was so fucking stupid. SHE'S A FUCKING WITCH AND SHE GOT CHOKED OUT BY A DAMN FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER??? Bitch, light his ass on fire or break his neck with your mind control. Absolutely ridiculous. Ugh.

Yes. Indeed, bisexual people do exist.

As a feminist, I was annoyed at yet another instance of full on female nudity while the man stayed fully clothed (not that I'm clamoring to see Woody's woody) - another shining example of disparity on HBO's part. But as a bisexual, I was 100% into it because damn. I mean, DAMN.