
Gunnar makes me want to jam ice picks in my ears. WHY do they give this goober so much screen time? I don't need his opinion on Every. Single. Thing that happens in the work room.

Gunnar makes me want to jam ice picks in my ears. WHY do they give this goober so much screen time? I don't need his opinion on Every. Single. Thing that happens in the work room.

I liked the little wink to old school Dracula shit when Tara said "I want. Your blood"

I liked the little wink to old school Dracula shit when Tara said "I want. Your blood"

Tom Cruise's performance/weird-jacked-but-old barely covered body made my hangover come back. The only good thing about this movie was Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand's story arc.

Tom Cruise's performance/weird-jacked-but-old barely covered body made my hangover come back. The only good thing about this movie was Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand's story arc.

The thing that saved this movie for me was the constant Rifftrax commentary happening in my head. I want them to do this movie sooooo bad. If you walk into it expecting a comedy, it actually ends up being pretty funny.

The thing that saved this movie for me was the constant Rifftrax commentary happening in my head. I want them to do this movie sooooo bad. If you walk into it expecting a comedy, it actually ends up being pretty funny.

Agree…people usually question me when I say it's my favorite Wes Anderson film, but I'm oddly attached to it more than his other films.

"Damn, I look good. Tilda Swinton good."

Just conjecturing here, but I feel like if Khaleesi weren't to find her dragons they'd instinctually be loyal to her and would fuck up whoever it is that took them (if they happened to be stolen long enough to get big and strong). It's probably not going to play out like that, but I think dragons know what's what.

I'm so glad I gave this show a shot right from the get go. I have been consistently laughing out loud every episode more and more. Although when I heard Tony Hale and Matt Walsh were going to be occupying the same amount of time at the same place, it didn't take a whole lot of convincing. And man, JLD is hitting it

@avclub-a1918db40140397d0a21e9ac1ce9fb93:disqus I totally agree about that segment! The first time I saw it, I almost started crying. I have cats and that killed me. Also, that song is AMAZING and I downloaded as soon as I could find it (Fascinoma - I'm Walking This Road).

Ugh, fuck "Tree Of Life". I was really looking forward to it and it was just…I can't. I enjoyed the narrative including Brad Pitt and his family, but everything else was a fucking snooze fest. I laughed out loud when I saw that dinosaur (I turned to my dad and said, "Bingo! Dino DNA!"). During all the footage of the

Carrie went about  it in an admittedly crazy and inappropriate way, but if she hadn't intervened with Dana, Brody would have gone through with it. The ends justified the means in this case. Carrie has become desperate and I don't think she's a cunt at all…I feel incredibly bad for her, heartbroken actually.

1. Damian Lewis was incredible during the bunker scenes
2. Claire Danes broke my heart into a million tiny pieces
3. Virgil is an unsung hero:

Yeah, the blind guy had me rolling on the floor. "I feel like I hear people breathing…I guess not. Well, as long as I stick the sidewalk, I'll be okay." *Truck, splat*

Agreed. Respecognize. SFU is quality shit.

Did she tell her to act on them? I don't remember that. People have been saying that the incest thing came out of nowhere, but it kind of makes sense to me that subconsciously Debra would be measuring every single man in her life up to Dexter. In her eyes he can do no wrong and is the perfect guy…he's never the fuck

Dexter has become such a fucking dumb ass. "Hey, sup Trav? I'm chillin on my boat just waiting for you drop by with some Henny. Shit's gonna be so fresh when you show up. Hope you thought this video text was as dope as I did. I think the police will too when they catch you and look at your phone." Hey idiot: How're