
No argument from me. I really like Daniel Biss but he doesn’t have the war chest or name recognition of the favorite sons he’s up against.

Or penis pumps. Which can double as masturbatory aids. We can literally make women ‘pay’ for men’s sex toys, and that’s not controversial at all somehow.

It IS good, but our state is still in the shitter, and we can do better than this poseur.

As a resident of IL, he’s actually not reasonable. He happened to make the right decision in this instance, but broken clocks...

He’s not typically reasonable, though! That’s what makes this so shocking.

Our state is so, so, so broken, and this guy has no intention of doing what he needs to do to fix it, but damn. He really got this one right. I even congratulated him on the Twitter!

Abstinence-only sex education, which guarantees more accidental pregnancies.

I actually liked his approach. He listened to both sides and came down on the side of abortions rights. A side he’s taken pretty damn consistently. I can tolerate the hand waving to the Hyde amendment argument since he pretty much decimated it in the final decision.

Wow, a reasonable politician who made a well thought out decision in a calm, respectful way. I am super stoked to see this still happens.


Wars are cool too.

How do you think any politician decides what to do?


hey, everyone! Add yours below!

Or vouchers for schools that tell kids that gay people go to hell.

“Taxpayers should not be forced to fund something as controversial and culturally divisive as abortions,” Unless it’s another war on brown people, of course.

I’m fine with that since popular vote tends to lean freedom over restriction.

She’s an Artful Dodger that one! Blimey.

The best way to get what you want is to pretend know that it’s already yours.

What a story this little girl is going to have for the rest of her life.

I’m not fond of the royal-watching, but that Harry has become the most endearing of the Windsor Bunch, fluffy ginger beard and all.